



美式发音: [hænd] 英式发音: [hænd]




复数:hands  现在分词:handing  过去式:handed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.raise hand,open hand,offer hand,thrust hand,clap hand

adj.+n.invisible hand



v.give,hand over,offer,pass,tender




v.1.交付;传递给 (to)2.用手搀扶,用手帮助 (to into out of across over)3.【航】卷叠(风帆)

n.1.the part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things2.help3.if people give someone a hand, they clap their hands to show that they have enjoyed a performance4.the hands on a clock are the long parts that move around and show the time5.the particular set of cards that have been given to you in a game of cards6.the advantages you have that give you a chance to be successful in a particular situation7.someone who does physical work; someone who works on a farm; someone who works on a ship8.someones handwriting9.a unit for measuring how tall a horse is1.the part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things2.help3.if people give someone a hand, they clap their hands to show that they have enjoyed a performance4.the hands on a clock are the long parts that move around and show the time5.the particular set of cards that have been given to you in a game of cards6.the advantages you have that give you a chance to be successful in a particular situation7.someone who does physical work; someone who works on a farm; someone who works on a ship8.someones handwriting9.a unit for measuring how tall a horse is

v.1.to give something to someone by holding it in your hand and offering it to them

1.手 Finger 手指 Hands 手 Head 头部 ...

2.双手 唇部 Lips 手部 Hands 洗浴 Body Wash ...


7.手感 Hustle 紧逼防守 Hands 手感 On-ball defence 防守带球队员 ...

8.手掌 ARMS 手臂 HANDS 手掌 LEGS 腿 ...


1.from the floor with her hands, arching her back, pying to turn around and break Nancy's grip on her hair.弓形,试图转过身来并摆脱南希抓着她头发的手。

2.The landlord brought two men up the stairs. The men had axes in their hands. They swung their axes against the door of number 13.突然那两个人惨叫一声扔掉了手里的斧子,因为他们劈到了一堵墙,标着13号的那扇门不见了。

3.A few quick upward brush spokes and my brows looked almost as good as if Jimena's divine hands had shaped them herself.几个简单的向上笔触,就像希梅纳的神圣的双手塑造他们自己一样我的眉毛看上去几乎一样好。

4.As members of Christ's body, we are his hands, his feet, his eyes, and his heart. He works through us in the world.作为基督身体的成员,我们是他的手、他的脚、他的眼,他的心,他透过我们在世上做工。

5.We'd pawled every hospital record we could lay our hands on and there was no sign of a donor that matched her blood group.之前我们搜寻了所有能找到的医院记录还是没能找到任何血型匹配的捐献者。

6.He would rather earn his pving with his hands at a plumber's or shoemaker's job, and do his thinking on his own time.爱因斯坦倒愿用他的双手去干水管工或修鞋工而挣钱糊口,然后在他自己的时间进行他的思考。

7.She almost threw up and both hands flew up to cover her mouth and she stepped back from the door.她几乎要吐出来了,双手捂着嘴从门前的台阶倒退下来。

8.During another interrogation, he was hung upside down by his knees, his hands stuck, cuffed behind his legs.在另一次审讯中,他被倒吊起来,双手铐在大腿后面。

9.Secretly reached into the chicken coop where, but my hands just out into half, seems to have been bitten by the same scissors pain.偷偷把手伸进鸡窝里,可是我的手刚伸到一半,好像被剪子咬了一样疼。

10.He was a man of a practical turn of mind, keen in his deapngs and skilful with his hands.费瑞厄是一个重视实际的人,为人处世精明,长于技艺。