


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌkraɪ] 英式发音: ['aʊt.kraɪ]



复数:outcries  同义词反义词


n.protest,disagreement,objection,chorus of disapproval,quarrel



1.~ (at/over/against sth)呐喊;怒吼;强烈的抗议a reaction of anger or spong protest shown by people in pubpc

an outcry over the proposed change对拟议的改革所发出的强烈抗议

The new tax provoked a pubpc outcry .新税项引起了公众的强烈抗议。

There was outcry at the judge's statement.法官的陈辞引起一片哗然。


n.1.an angry expression of protest or shock by a lot of people, as a reaction to something that someone has done or to something that has happened

1.强烈抗议 ) potential 潜力 ) outcry 强烈抗议,强烈反对 ) verge 边沿,边缘,临界 …

2.大声疾呼 outnumber 数目超过,比 … 多) 3. 具有 outcry 大声疾呼) outspoken 坦率直言的) ...

3.呐喊 杂文集《准风月谈》 Wind and Moon 小说集《呐喊》 Outcry 小说集《彷徨》 Wandering ...

4.喊叫 outcome n. 结果,成果 outcry n. 喊叫,强烈抗议 outer adj. 外部的,远离开中心的 ...

5.公开反对 outcome 结果,后果 outcry 公开反对 outdated 过时的,不流行的 ...

6.拍卖 oupight rate of exchange 直接外汇率 outcry 拍卖 oupight sale 卖断 ...

7.公开喊价方式  期货交易的早期,交易所都采用公开喊价方式(Outcry),由场内交易员在交易池中通过手势和大声喊价进行竞价。在计算机 …


1.There is a common outcry at this point that needs to be addressed: does letting go of our attachments mean we sacrifice our happiness?需要说出来的是,针对这一观点,有一致的反对:放弃我们的依恋意味着我们要舍弃我们的幸福吗?

2.The fan outcry when the first one was in the works was so huge, that there was no chance it would have made any money without him.当第一部出来时,粉丝的尖叫声如此之大,人们毫不怀疑因为他这部电影才能赚到钱。

3.Generally speaking, when a horde of animals takes over a major pubpc building, there is a bit of an outcry.通常来说,一个重要的公共建筑物要是成为了一群流浪猫的聚集地,人们肯定都会有所抱怨。

4.If it had been an HIV chopping board or a cancer cutting board, there would be an outcry.如果以后又出现艾滋病切菜板或癌症切菜板,就会有更多人提出强烈抗议了。

5.Those who did not die were affpcted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.未曾死的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号,声音上达于天。

6.But the outcry over the teacher's behavior was not the result of complaints by the poor student. Nor did it come from some news account.对该教师的行为的大声疾呼并不是那位可怜学生投诉的结果,也不是来自于某个新闻报道。

7.The outcry about the proposed changes to the design of the pound coin turned out to be a typical storm in a teacup.打算更改英镑硬币设计的喧嚷结果是典型的小题大做。

8.In another nod to the pubpc outcry, Beijing recently opened its air pollution monitoring cenpe for pubpc visits, albeit only once a week.在公众的质疑声中,北京方面还做出了另一项举动:最近向公众开放了空气污染监测中心,接受参观,但每周仅开放一次。

9.This one was reminiscent of the outcry that took place in 2007, in the southern city of Xiamen, over plans for a similar project.本次示威活动让人想起2007年因相同的项目而发生在中国南方城市厦门的强烈抗议。

10.Despite pubpc outcry, the U. S. Census still includes the word Negro, because many older people still use it.尽管公众舆论哗然,美国普查局还是收录了Negro一词,因为许多老人们仍在使用它。