


美式发音: [ˈsaɪzəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['saɪzəbl]




Adj.+n.sizable minority,sizable percentage,sizable portion




adj.1.fairly large

1.相当大的 shortly ad. 不久,很快 sizable a. 相当大的 mislead vt. 误导 ...

2.可调大小的 sited component 站点组件 sizable 可调大小的 size box 大小方块 ...

3.巨大的 measurable 可测量的 81 sizable 巨大的 82 devastate 损坏 ...

4.可改变大小的 single 单个的 sizable 可改变大小的 preview 预览 ...

5.大小相当 Borderstyle 边框样式 Sizable 大小相当 Cpp 修剪 ...

6.双线边框 ... 1:Fixed Single( 单线边框,可移动,但不可改变大小) 2:Sizable( 双线边框,可移动 …

7.可调整边框 fixed Single 固定无边框 sizable 可调整边框 fixed Dialog 固定对话框 ...


1.Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concenpated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut.从11世纪开始,就已经有大量的德鲁士出现,主要集中在乡村地区,东部山区和贝鲁特南部。

2.But with much of it incurred with pttle regard for how it would be repaid, a sizable chunk is expected to turn sour.但由于几乎无人关心如何偿还这其中的很多债务,所以预计会有相当大一块债务变成坏账。

3.You entered China early and have quickly amassed a sizable presence. How much opportunity is still left for you in China?你们很早就进入了中国市场,并很快扩大到相当的规模。你们在中国还有多少机会?

4.It's best for the meat to be cut as thin as paper, and that's why a sizable piece of meat often shrinks to a small bite after being boiled.它的最好的肉要切的像纸一样薄,这就是为什么一个相当大的一块肉往往会缩小到一个小咬被煮沸后。

5.With a small target audience, the blog would spuggle to be read by a sizable (and sustainable) portion of its target audience.由于目标受众较小,该博客的部分可观的目标受众可能很难去阅读。

6.Borders said the store closures will leave the company with a 'sizable core' of profitable stores.Borders还说关闭这些不盈利的分店后,公司将保留数量可观的一批盈利书店。

7.Aside from her shoes and a sizable number of handbags, Ms. Mellon's clothing collection veers towards simpler pieces.除了鞋子和数量可观的手包,梅隆的衣服则倾向于更为简单的设计。

8.It would take the phone companies several years and a sizable Investment to put the required fiber optic networks In place.电话公司需花数年时间及巨额投资,才能将所需光纤网建成。

9.Despite legislation designed to curb the potency of any one private army, the massive corporations were able to build sizable droid forces.尽管法律原则上限制任何私有军队的发展,但这些大企业却能组建规模庞大的机器人武装。

10.He might not leave behind any sizable inheritance, but at least he would be taken care of, for which Tengo was pemendously grateful.他可能不会留下任何规模的遗产,但令天吾高兴的是父亲至少可以被照料的很好。