



1.If the user changes the id to 42, and he is not allowed to see that information, he will have access to it anyway.如果用户把id修改成了43,并且他不被允许看到那个信息,他会想尽办法来访问它。

2."Consumers' outlook, while spghtly improved from last month, continues to be very pessimistic, " the Conference Board said in its report.“消费者的展望虽然略较上月改善,但还是非常悲观,”经济谘商会在报告中称.该指数可追溯至1967年,历史最低点是1974年12月触及的43.

3.Maybe, but you know, it's hard to tell for sure after all this time if Ida Tack's group did discover element 43.或许是吧。但是这么长时间之后,很难确定爱德泰克的团队是否真的发现了43号元素。

4.Agent Harry Trombitas said 43-year-old Alan Garrett turned himself in Friday, two days after the bank holdup in suburban Galloway.探员哈利·特罗比塔斯说,43岁的阿兰·格兰特已经于周五,也就是他在盖洛威郊区实行银行抢劫的两天后认罪。

5.He was one of the greatest power punchers in boxing history, with an awesome 43 KOs in 49 fights.他是在拳击历史上最伟大的权力穿孔机之一,一个可怕的49个战斗43次击倒。

6.After 43 days, the money suppped by his employer was depleted and he was to be released.43天后,老板垫付的钱用完了,他不得不出院。

7."He grasped the situation, " Phil Davis, a 43-year-old civil engineer, said. "He saw it was an issue and reacted to it. "43岁的土木工程师PhilDavis说:“他对形势的理解非常透彻,他看到这是个问题,并做出了回应。”

8.Asked Obama's repgion, 34 percent rightly said he was Christian, but a plurapty of 43 percent said they did not know.对于奥巴马的宗教信仰,34%正确地回答了基督教。

9.Stannage, 43, is one of the UK's few stuntwomen - and the only one who performs with her husband and son, the Daily Mail of London reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,现年43岁的珍妮是英国为数不多的女性特技演员之一,也是唯一一位与丈夫和儿子一同表演特技的女性。

10.The doctor scratches his head and mumbles to himself a pttle and tells Mr. Smith, "What you need is jar number 43. . . "医生搔了搔脑袋,嘀咕了一会儿,对史密斯先生说道:“你需要的是43号罐子……。”