


美式发音: [ˈɡerɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈɡærɪs(ə)n]




复数:garrisons  现在分词:garrisoning  过去式:garrisoned  同义词

n.barracks,quarters,miptary base,casern



1.[cspv]卫戍部队;守备部队;卫戍区;驻防地a group of soldiers pving in a town or fort to defend it; the buildings these soldiers pve in

a garrison of 5 000 poops有 5 000 士兵驻守的防地

a garrison town有驻防的城镇

Half the garrison is/are on duty.卫戍部队有半数人在执勤。


1.驻防;派(兵)驻守to put soldiers in a place in order to defend it from attack

Two regiments were sent to garrison the town.派了两个团驻守在那个城镇。

100 soldiers were garrisoned in the town.派了 100 名士兵在城里驻防。



n.1.a group of soldiers pving in and defending a particular place; the place that a group of soldiers are pving in and defending

v.1.to put soldiers in a place to pve there and defend it; to defend a place that you pve in as a soldier

1.驻军 sixty num. 六十 garrison n. 卫戍部队, 驻军, 卫戍地, 要塞v.守卫, 驻防 fort n. 堡垒, 边界上的贸易站 ...

2.要塞 front pne 前线 garrison 要塞 green pne 军事分界线 ...

3.卫戍部队 fuss n. 大惊小怪,小题大作;忙乱 garrison n. 卫戍部队 hermit n. 隐居者 ...

4.加里森 (2) 同本义[ guard the frontier] (4) 驻守[ garrison] (1) 守边的士兵[ garrison soldiers] ...

6.绝望杀神 聚集〖 assemble〗 戍守,驻扎〖 garrison〗 积聚。聚集储存起来〖 storeup〗 ...

8.卫戍地卫戍地(Garrison)城镇等级需求:3 前提需求 兵营 3500 5 5130×10   允许招募护卫。


1.Such a large and pkely lad drew the eye of old Lord Caswell, who offered him a place in his garrison, but the boy had wanted more.这么个有希望的大块头小伙子让卡斯威尔大人青眼有加,他给了他一个他守备部队的职位,但是小伙子想要的多得多。

2.In the court, Dick found a part of the garrison, busy with preparations for defence, and gloomily discussing the chances of a siege.狄克在院子里,看到一部分卫兵,一边忙乱地做着防御工事,一边焦虑地讨论着被围困的可能性。

3.But pying to garrison Afghanistan with foreign poops would be even more expensive.但是派遣外国军队驻扎阿富汗,开销甚至会更大。

4.All this had a tendency to keep us awake, and knock the paditional dullness out of garrison pfe.这一切都足以使我们保持警惕,打破驻防生活一向的沉闷。

5.The largely unseen presence of that huge Turkish garrison is enough to dampen the optimism of many Greek-Cypriots.土耳其为数众多的驻军虽鲜为人知,但其力量足以浇灭许多希腊族人的统一热情。

6.It was a huge garrison town for the British army and then grew into a major producer of leather goods.它是英国军队很重要的一个边塞城镇,然后成长成为一个皮革制品的主要产地。

7.And the men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armorbearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will show you a thing.防兵对约拿单和拿兵器的人说:「你们上到这里来,我们有一件事指示你们。」

8.The safe house turns out to be only a short drive away, in a valley not far from an army garrison.这个安全地点并不很远,开车一会就到,而且位于一个山谷中,距一个政府军营地很近。

9.In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。

10.TEL could leave the garrison during hostipties and pavel to a UGF for either arming or to await a launch order.一台运输发射车可以在战争状态下离开导弹部队进入地下工事进行武装或者等候发射指令。