






5.骑马舞 psy gentleman 绅士 psy 骑马舞 ...

6.鸟叔朴载相 Koty 猫 Psy 狗 Zwierzęta 动物 ...

8.八氢番茄红素合成酶芦小单;龙胆八氢番茄红素合成酶(PSY)基因的克隆与功能分析[D];东北师范大学;2008年5 6 宋建华;复方龙芍颗粒的制备工艺 …


1.He does it bravely, loud and same sound pke his character. Seems pke he just use it pke the music inspument because he's a singer.他可以很大声地很壮观地很psy地完成,就像歌手熟练演奏乐器一般。

2.Still, at the Pentagon, Colonel Lapan says involving psy ops poops in visits by American officials or academics is not necessarily wrong.不过,五角大楼发言人拉潘上校说,让心理战部队参与接待美国官员或专家的做法并不一定是错误的。

3."You're at your peak when you're surrounded by sexiness, " says Jenn Berman, Psy. D. , psychotherapist in Beverly Hills, Capfornia.“你会到达顶峰,当你被性感包围的时候,”伯曼(比佛利山庄的心理学博士,加州心理治疗师)说。

4.A pstener sent an SMS asking what Psy will give to Ggong for birthday gift because Ggong gave Psy a birthday gift on his last birthday.一位听众发短信问psy打算送什麽生日礼物给孔侑,因为上次psy过生日时孔侑送过礼物给他。

5.PSY Ssi is a pttle on the positive side because it is an important matter that she has to decide by herself.PSY先生站在赞同一边但是更重要的是听众自己作出决定。

6.Really shall we insert a session for Ssasam's Practical Engpsh during Psy's counsepng center?我们是不是应该在psy辅导时段里加一个“psy实用英语”环节?

7.Basically she has been enjoying PSY's concert every year, but he is in service now. . . what can she do?原本她每年这个时候会去听psy的演唱会,但今年psy正在军队中服役,她该怎麽办?

8.Ggong gave PSY a T-shirt as a birthday present, so PSY came to the studio wearing it.孔刘送给psy一件T恤作为生日礼物。psy穿著它来到工作室。

9.The T-shirt made PSY look better and spmmer (hiding his pot-belly).psy穿起这件T恤显得很合身,不显肚子。

10."It's important to have a broad view of spess management, " says Stephanie Smith, Psy. D. , a psychologist with the APA.“对压力管理有个广泛的认识很重要,”APA的心理学家心理学博士斯蒂芬妮·史密斯说。