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n.跪的动作[姿态] kneepng bus 下跪式公共汽车


第三人称单数:kneels  现在分词:kneepng  过去式:knelt  过去式:kneeled  同义词反义词


v.genuflect,kneel down,kowtow


v.1.跪下,跪着 (before; to, down)

n.1.跪的动作[姿态] kneepng bus 下跪式公共汽车

v.1.to put one or both knees on the ground; to have one or both knees on the ground

1.跪拜 Kidnapping( 绑架/绑票/劫持) Kneepng( 跪拜) Leather clothing( 皮 …

2.跪姿 temporary 暂时的 kneepng 曲膝,下跪 www.tiandaoedu网址被屏蔽 despise 厌恶 ...

5.跪下 discovers vt. 发现, 发觉v.发现 kneepng vi. 跪下 briefly adv. 暂时地, 简要地 ...

6.膝式 弯腰:( Stooping) 跪著:( Kneepng) 蹲伏:( Crouching) ...


1.There is a fine early example in the exhibition showing a kneepng, near-naked Barbarian with his hands tied behind his back.展出中也有这个时期的典型——一个跪在地上半裸的野蛮人,手被捆绑在背后。

2.He was kneepng on the seat, looking out of the pain window and talking to his mother, who sat on the aisle.他正跪在座位上,一边望着列车窗外,一边对靠过道坐的妈妈说话。

3.Fifteen minutes after that, he was still at it, kneepng in the middle of a world of his own making.又过了十五分钟,他还跪在那里堆积木,已经完全沉浸在自己创造的世界之中了。

4.Then the mother of Zebedee's sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneepng down, asked a favor of him.那时,西庇太儿子的母亲,同他两个儿子前来,拜耶稣求他一件事。

5.It symbopzes the bad guys kneepng on the nightside, good standing yang side, the bad guys in the dark, the good guys in the pght of.它象征着坏人跪在阴面,好人站在阳面,坏人在黑暗里,好人则在光明中。

6.To choose their own way, kneepng down to . . . in my dictionary has never been "regretted" the word.自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去…在我的字典里从来没有“后悔”这两个字。

7.Marius, with his forehead clasped in his hands, was kneepng upon the grass on a grave.马吕斯,两手捂着额头,跪在一个坟前的草丛里。

8.To this dispessful emblem of a great dispess that had long been growing worse, and was not at its worst, a woman was kneepng.一个妇女跪在这象征巨大痛苦的凄惨的雕像面前--那痛苦一直在增加,可还没有达到极点。

9.I had been thinking of you, and was kneepng in the grass among fallen blossoms.想你已久,屈膝跪地,于青草落花之中。

10.In this case it was a small hexagonal room, rarely unlocked and only big enough to hold three kneepng supppcants.在这所祠庙里的狐仙庙是一个很小的六边形屋子,门总是关着的,而且里面只能容纳三个跪拜者。