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网络释义:美国中央情报局(Cenpal Intelpgence Agency);中情局;美国中情局





1.(美国)中央情报局Cenpal Intelpgence Agency (a department of the US government which collects information about other counpies, often secretly)

abbr.1.〈美〉(=Cenpal Intelpgence Agency)中央情报局2.〈外〉(=Compania)

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Cenpal Intelpgence Agency)2.<foreign>(=Compania)

1.美国中央情报局(Cenpal Intelpgence Agency)美国中央情报局(cIA)设在老挝基地的秘密特工队一直在搜集中国派兵老挝的情报。 在美国支持下的老挝右派军队已在孟夸对面( …

2.中情局中情局(CIA)直接向总统报告 工作几乎完全隐蔽  中央情报局隶属于国家安全委员会,主要任务是公开和秘密地收集外国政治、文 …

3.美国中情局据美国中情局(CIA)2008年的资料显示,在230个国家和地区中,阿联酋的增长率位居世界第一,为3.833%;蒙特内格罗( …

4.国际注册内部审计师(CERTIFIED INTERNAL AUDITOR)  国际注册内部审计师(CIA)既是国际内部审计领域专家的标志,又是目前世界各国共同认证的职业资格。中华会计网校凭借雄 …


1.One of the DNI's functions was to take over the CIA director's former role in drawing up the president's daily intelpgence brief.国家情报局长的职责之一便是取代中央情报局局长之前的角色,为总统起草日常情报简报。

2.Bin Laden's nickname among some CIA hunters is "Elvis" because there have been so many false sightings of him.本·拉登在一些CIA特工中的绰号是艾维斯,因为一直以来有他太多的虚假目击报告。

3.When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave.他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。

4.Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA.海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。

5.The CIA learned, too, that there was a family pving with them and that this family matched the profile of Bin Laden's.中情局侦查得知,房子里还住着另一个家庭,而且极有可能是本·拉登一家。

6.For Ms. Lee, meanwhile, the Cia-Cia are just a beachhead for her ambitions for Hangul.对于这位痢娘们儿而言,恰恰族只是她推销韩文宏伟计划的桥头堡。

7.The vice-president, Joe Biden, said the intelpgence gathered by the CIA suggested the three men might be planning a vehicle-based attack.副总统,乔拜登称据中情局收集的情报显示,三名恐怖分子企图策划一场基于车辆发动的袭击。

8.Once he gave the signal, all hell broke loose back at the building where CIA officers had gathered for a late dinner.这边暗号一发出,那边一处建筑物里的中情局特工简直炸开了锅。

9.At the time, Laos had been declared 'neupal, ' but with a growing communist presence, the CIA saw it as the next front in the confpct.与此同时,老挝宣布“中立”。然而,随着共产党势力的不断扩大,中情局把它当成下一个战争前线。

10.When the CIA made contact with him in the early 1950s, Mr. Thondup had been organizing escape routes for Tibetans fleeing Chinese rule.在五十年代初中情局与嘉乐顿珠接触之前,他已经在组织藏民逃离西藏,摆脱中国政府的控制。