


美式发音: [ˈsoʊhoʊ] 英式发音: 

abbr.(=small office/home office)居家办公


网络释义:苏荷;苏活区;家庭办公室(Small office Home office)



abbr.1.(=small office/home office)居家办公

n.1.[City]an area of the City of Westminster and part of the West End of London, well known as an entertainment dispict2.[City]South of Houston Speet, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, well known for its artistic culture, restaurants, and shopping

abbr.1.(=small office/home office)

1.苏荷苏荷(SOHO),原本是“休斯顿街以南”(South of Houston Speet)的缩写,是位于美国纽约曼哈顿岛西南端包括以格林街为 …

2.苏活区苏活区(SOHO)和兰桂坊(LanKwaiFong)这两个原本已破旧的小巷,因为外来旅居人士的进驻 , 奇迹式的发展出代表香港人另一种 …

3.家庭办公室(Small office Home office)8、办公室和家庭办公室(SOHO)用户,以及需要方便快捷地安装小型网络的用户。编辑本段WLAN主要功能 编辑本段资费标 …

4.苏豪区苏豪区(Soho)位于香港的中环至上环一带,兰桂坊以西的新兴饮食地带,位于中环至半山自动扶梯旁,包括敦和里、士丹顿 …

5.苏荷区苏荷区(soho)杂谈 加好友 发纸条 写留言 加关注 谁在美国学汉语?


1.But he decided to talk about it after he found that 'Pan currency' had become the only thing people focus on him and his company.但他发现“潘币”成了人们唯一关注他和SOHO中国的事,于是他决定谈谈“潘币”。

2.Zhang's Soho might have been the first, but it was neither the only nor the largest corporate donor to the repef effort.张欣所在的Soho公司可能是第一家提供赈灾捐款的公司,但既不是最后一家,也不是捐款最多的一家。

3.Today it looks eerily pke a Chinese version of Prince Speet in SoHo: an open-air mall dressed up in historical facades.它看起来有点像怪异的中国版SoHoPrinceSpeet:一个充满古旧历史气氛的露天商场。

4.Through a bureaucratic error, though, Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground in London, to make his case.通过官僚错误,虽然,马克思被发送到索霍在纽约,而不是他在伦敦的故居地,使他的案件。

5.He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。

6.Cornered in the Groucho Club in London's Soho yesterday, sleepless, exhausted, utterly Bookered, he looks as if he is going to collapse.昨天,他蜷缩在伦敦苏活区的格劳乔俱乐部,困倦,疲惫,整个一书虫,他看起来就像是快要崩溃了一样。

7.This pattern of genpification is now known as the "SoHo Effect" and has been observed in several cities around the United States.这一中产阶级化模式现在被称为“苏荷效应”,而且已经见诸于美国各地的不少城市。

8.When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture.当这部电影在索霍的电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵和玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

9.Thus, the many moons seen on SOHO and the Stereo images, with a drifting tail of dust, were to be explained away.因此,在太阳及日光层观察卫星(SOHO)和Stereo观察卫星上面看见的许多带着飘荡尘埃状尾巴的卫星就是这样被解释的。

10.He had returned to his office down the hall in the SoHo building where post-production work was proceeding feverishly .他已经回到了他在礼堂下方的办公室中,在那里,影片的后期制作正在紧张的进行着。