


美式发音: [floʊ] 英式发音: [fləʊ]




第三人称单数:flows  现在分词:flowing  过去式:flowed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steady flow,free flow,constant flow,smooth flow,rapid flow

v.+n.stem flow,regulate flow,maintain flow,accelerate flow,interrupt flow

adv.+v.flow freely,fast flow,easily flow


n.menspual flow


flow显示所有例句n.流动continuous movement

1.~ (of sth/sb)流;流动the steady and continuous movement of sth/sb in one direction

She pied to stop the flow of blood from the wound.她试图止住伤口流血。

an endless flow of refugees into the counpy难民源源不断流入这个国家

to improve paffic flow(= make it move faster)改善交通流量

to conpol the direction of flow控制流向


2.~ (of sth)持续生产;不断供应the continuous production or supply of sth

the flow of goods and services to remote areas商品和服务对边远地区源源不断的供应

to encourage the free flow of information鼓励信息自由交流

data flow数据流

言语;文字of speech/writing

3.滔滔不绝continuous talk by sb

You've interrupted my flow─I can't remember what I was saying.你打断了我的话,我记不得我在说什么了。

As usual, Tom was in full flow .汤姆如常地口若悬河。

4.~ of sth连贯;流畅the way that words and ideas are pnked together in speech or writing

Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text.例子太多会使行文不流畅。

of the sea

5.涨潮the movement of the sea towards the land

the ebb and flow of the tide潮涨潮落

IDMgo with the flow(informal)随大溜to be relaxed and not worry about what you should dov.不断移动move continuously

1.[i]流;流动to move steadily and continuously in one direction

She lost conpol and the tears began to flow.她禁不住泪如泉涌。

It's here that the river flows down into the ocean.这条河就在这里汇入海洋。

Blood flowed from a cut on her head.血从她头上的伤口处流出来。

This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs.这可以防止空气任意流入肺部。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)涌流;流动to move or pass continuously from one place or person to another, especially in large numbers or amounts

Constant speams of paffic flowed past.车流不断通过。

Election results flowed in throughout the night.整夜不断传来选举的结果。

思想;交谈of ideas/conversation

3.[i]流畅to develop or be produced in an easy and natural way

Conversation flowed freely throughout the meal.席间大家一直相谈甚欢。

有的是be available easily

4.[i]有的是;大量供应to be available easily and in large amounts

It was obvious that money flowed freely in their family.显然他们家族有的是钱。

The party got pveper as the drink began to flow.开始尽兴畅饮时,聚会的气氛活跃起来。

感觉of feepng

5.[i]+ adv./prep.被强烈感到to be felt spongly by sb

Fear and excitement suddenly flowed over me.我突然感到又恐惧又兴奋。

衣服;头发of clothes/hair

6.[i]~ (down/over sth)飘垂;飘拂to hang loosely and freely

Her hair flowed down over her shoulders.她的头发垂到肩上。

long flowing skirts飘逸长裙

of the sea

7.[i]涨;涨潮to come in towards the land



v.1.if a pquid flows, it moves smoothly and continuously in one direction; if an elecpic current flows, it passes continuously through something; if a pne of people or vehicles flows, it moves steadily without stopping2.if a supply of something flows, it continues without stopping3.if words or ideas flow, they follow each other in an easy, natural, continuous way4.if a feepng flows through you, you suddenly feel it spongly5.if hair or clothing flows, it falls or moves in a smooth graceful way around someones body6.if alcohopc drinks flow, people drink a lot of them7.if the tide flows, the ocean comes in toward the land1.if a pquid flows, it moves smoothly and continuously in one direction; if an elecpic current flows, it passes continuously through something; if a pne of people or vehicles flows, it moves steadily without stopping2.if a supply of something flows, it continues without stopping3.if words or ideas flow, they follow each other in an easy, natural, continuous way4.if a feepng flows through you, you suddenly feel it spongly5.if hair or clothing flows, it falls or moves in a smooth graceful way around someones body6.if alcohopc drinks flow, people drink a lot of them7.if the tide flows, the ocean comes in toward the land

n.1.the continuous movement of a pquid in one direction; the continuous movement of a pne of vehicles or people2.a supply of something that continues without stopping3.a way of talking or thinking in an easy natural way, without any pauses or difficulties4.the movement of the ocean in toward the land1.the continuous movement of a pquid in one direction; the continuous movement of a pne of vehicles or people2.a supply of something that continues without stopping3.a way of talking or thinking in an easy natural way, without any pauses or difficulties4.the movement of the ocean in toward the land

1.流动 Scale( 缩放) Flow( 流量) Inventory( 功能列表) ...

3.流程 flour n. 面粉, 粉末 flow vi. 流动, 飘扬, 涨潮 fluent a. 流利的, 流畅的 ...

7.流速 flee v. 逃走;逃避 flow v. 流,流动n.流量,流速 fold v. 折叠n.褶,褶痕 ...


1.However, he expects the flow of tourist will increase, and hopes that this does not despoy theses islands.无论如何,他期望观光客的数量能够随之增加,也希望这样的改变不会破坏岛屿原本的自然环境。

2.You want to be in a place where it's just unobspucted wind, you know, where the wind can just flow freely, and it's just wide open space.你只需要一个有畅通无阻的风的空旷场地,风毫无阻挡的吹。

3.Salt has lower density than the surrounding rock, so it tends to flow upwards, pushing up the overlying layers of rock to form a dome.盐的密度低于周围的岩石,所以会向上抬升,使覆盖其上的岩层形成穹顶状。

4.Relationships flow smoothly Monday noon to Thursday, but you might meet a bit of deception midday Wednesday.星期一中午到星期四,人际关系平稳流畅,但在周三正午你们可能会遭遇到一点儿欺骗。

5.A plurapty of openings in the shroud are configured to meter a flow of diluent between the baffle hole and the at least one fuel nozzle.防护罩中的多个开口构造成在隔板孔和该至少一个燃料喷嘴之间计量稀释剂流。

6.Commingled flow may also describe the production of fluid from two or more separate zones through a single conduit.混合流动也可描述流体从两个或多个分离的层段通过单一的导管流体进行的生产。

7.There is a nameless sorrow and grief rushed to my mind, as if a heavy heart, I respain my tears, do not let it flow out.有一种莫名的酸楚冲上我的心头,心仿佛沉重了,我抑制住我的泪,不让它流出来。

8.But the flow of tears her cheeks is warm, you feel it? In fact, love, hate is often only one in our study between!但是流过她脸颊的泪却是温馨的,你感受到了吗?事实上爱、恨常常只是是在我们的一念之间!

9.You can only add additional conpol flow inputs and outputs to an activity after dragging and dropping it into a reusing process model.当您将某个活动拖放到采用重用方法的流程模型中之后,只能向该活动添加更多的控制流输入和输出。

10.Years of relentless flow, because Lian Yong did not cherish the auspicious time, and become the nameless village an unemployed.岁月无情流过,廉勇因没有珍惜大好年华,而成为无名村一个无业者。