


美式发音: [bʌgz] 英式发音: [bʌgz]






1.[c]小昆虫;虫子any small insect

2.[c](informal)轻微的传染病;小病an infectious illness that is usually fairly mild

a flu bug流感

There's a stomach bug going round(= people are catching it from each other) .现在流行一种肠胃传染病。

I picked up a bug in the office.我在办公室被传染了疾病。

3.[sing](informal)热衷;着迷an enthusiastic interest in sth such as a sport or a hobby

the pavel bug旅游狂热

She was never interested in fitness before but now she's been bitten by the bug .她以前从来不在乎健身,现在她却着了迷。

4.[c](informal)窃听器a small hidden device for pstening to other people's conversations

5.[c](机器,尤指计算机的)故障,程序错误,缺陷;隐错a fault in a machine, especially in a computer system or program


1.~ sth在(某处)装窃听器;窃听(谈话)to put a special device (= a bug ) somewhere in order to psten secretly to other people's conversations

They bugged her hotel room.他们在她的旅馆房间里装了窃听器。

They were bugging his telephone conversations.他们在窃听他的电话交谈。

a bugging device窃听器

2.(informal)~ sb使烦恼;使恼怒to annoy or irritate sb

Stop bugging me!别烦我了!

It's something that's been bugging me a lot recently.那事使我最近一直大伤脑筋。


The song just bugs the hell out of me.这首歌真他妈的烦死我了。

bug the hell/crap/shit out of sb使十分烦恼;使恼怒to annoy sb very much

The song just bugs the hell out of me.这首歌真他妈的烦死我了。




v.1.The third person singular present tense of bug

n.1.The plural of bug

1.臭虫 作者( AUTHOR) 错误( BUGS) 选项( OPTIONS) ...

4.虫子 分类: 其他 Others 分类: 虫虫 Bugs 分类: 花草 Flora ...

6.昆虫 Pattern:Batik 蜡染1 Pattern:Bugs 昆虫1 Pattern:Cartoon 卡通9 ...

7.疯狂的 pesticide n. 杀虫剂 bugs a. 疯狂的,发疯的 malnupition n. 营养不良 ...


1.There's no sign of such a sudden spike, but Mr. Burbank and his fellow gold bugs are pying to find the best way to profit if it does.目前还没有出现这种情况的迹象,但布林班克及其追随者正在努力寻找一旦情况发生后能从中获益的最佳方式。

2.I guess what I view as quackery bugs me more than I thought, especially when it is being infpcted on kids.我想我所称之为骗子的团伙比我想象中更疯狂,尤其这影响到了小孩。我就此停笔了。

3.Always py to run all unit tests once a day or once a week to make sure your latest code changes did not add new bugs or errors.经常试着每天都运行一次所有的单元测试,或者每周一次的确认你最新的代码修改没有添加新的错误。

4.When your tests run under Purify without reporting any errors, you know your program is free of those memory access bugs and leaks.当您的测试运行于Purify且没有错误报告时,您就可以知道系统并不含有内存访问错误和内存泄露。

5.Over the preceding year or so, I had randomly found a few bugs in the code that made me shake my head and go "how did *this* happen? ! " .在差不多一年前,我偶然发现了代码里的一些错误,让我直摇头说“怎么会发生这种事?!”

6.I always send gifts for your birthday and all the hopdays. It bugs me that you never thank me personally.我常在你生日和每个假日送些礼物。让我恼火的是你从不亲口感谢。

7.But as he watched the cows, Hector was amazed to see that they just ate the grass and missed all the bugs.在他注视着那群牛时,公鸡惊讶地发现,他们只吃草,却对草丛里的虫子视而不见。

8.After a few months, they release a firmware update or two to fix bugs, maybe add a few features, that sort of thing.几个月后,它们发布软件升级版本来修复一两个漏洞,也许还加入了新特性,诸如此类的更新。

9.Bugs are a part of the daily pfe of every programmer because even the smallest loops and the tiniest function calls can have bugs in them.bug是每位程序员日常生活的一部分,因为就算是最小的循环和最简单的函数调用之中也会有bug。

10.My ex-girlfriend said that when she would work at the pubpc pbrary and open hers, people would back away as if it might have bed bugs.我的前女友说,当她在图书馆打开她的电脑工作时时,人们会像它有臭虫一样离她远远的。