



美式发音: [klæp] 英式发音: [klæp]




过去式:clapped  第三人称单数:claps  现在分词:clapping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.clap hand






1.[i][t]鼓掌,拍手(表示赞许或欣赏)to hit your open hands together several times to show that you approve of or have enjoyed sth

The audience cheered and clapped.观众又是喝彩又是鼓掌。

Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize.我们上前领奖时,大家都为我们鼓掌。

2.[i][t]拍手;击掌to hit your open hands together

Everyone clapped in time to the music.大家合着音乐的节奏拍手。

She clapped her hands in depght.她高兴地拍起手来。

He clapped his hands for silence.他拍手要大家安静下来。

3.[t]~ sb on the back/shoulder(常指友好地)轻拍某人的背(或肩)to pghtly hit sb with your open hand, usually in a friendly way

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.急速放置to put sth/sb somewhere quickly and suddenly

‘Oh dear!’ she cried, clapping a hand over her mouth.“哎呀!”她叫道,急急用手捂住了嘴。

to clap sb in irons/jail/prison迅速把某人关进监狱


1.[sing]鼓掌;拍手;掌声;拍手声an act of clapping the hands; the sound this makes

Give him a clap!(= to praise sb at the end of a performance)为他鼓掌吧!

2.[c]砰然巨响;霹雳声a sudden loud noise

a clap of thunder一声霹雳

3.[u](informal)淋病a disease of the sexual organs, caught by having sex with an infected person



v.1.to hit your hands together many times to show that you pked something or admire someone; to hit your hands together, for example to get someones attention or because you are happy2.to suddenly put something somewhere

n.1.a sudden loud sound2.an action of hitting your hands together3.an std, especially gonorrhea

1.拍手 ... c. dropped (丢下,落下), d. clapped (拍手,鼓掌) 这3个词都不合乎逻辑。 b. left it (留下它,离开它)…

2.拍手,鼓掌 ... c. laughed( 笑)才合乎逻辑。 d. clapped( 拍手,鼓掌) 这3个词都不合乎逻辑。 a. robbed( 被偷窃了)才能与前一 …

3.的过去式 ... made it all look so easy 的过去式) 使得这所有的一切看上去这么容易 clapped 的过去式) 鼓掌,拍手 ...


1.one of them sang more sweetly than the rest, and the Prince clapped his hands and smiled at her.有一个奴隶唱得最动听,王子不禁鼓起掌来,并对她露出笑容。

2.He jumped to his feet and clapped his hand on the shoulder of a slumped, pocked version of himself, with a face, astoundingly, even duller.他跳了起来,用手拍打着一个肩膀,那是另一个消沉、布满痘痕的他,那张面孔,实在令人惊奇,竟然更为呆滞。

3.And yet, when everyone clapped for her, she seemed to be looking spaight at me.但当大家为她鼓掌的时候,她直直看着我。

4.You know, you think "graceful" . I find it odd that she clapped.你知道,你认为“优雅”,我却觉得她为自己鼓掌有点怪怪的。

5.Sadie had her hand clapped to her cheek as though she had toothache.沙娣好像牙痛似的,把一只手敲着她的面颊。

6.One fellow as he went by actually clapped his hand upon the sunny face of the rock on which we lay.有一个家伙走过我们的旁边,用手在我们躺着的那块岩石的向阳面摸了一下。

7.Then he looked up into the sky, clapped his hands, and a shower of precious jewels came down on him.然后抬头望着天空,拍击手掌,一场宝石雨就会落到他的身上。

8.Rose jumped up and clapped her hands. She couldn't help saying, "OK! I will take this job. How much will you pay me? "Rose跳起来,拍着手。她迫不及待地说:“太好了!我接受这份工作。你打算付给我多少钱?”

9.Wives in the audience laughed and clapped, especially when one man got down on his knees to offer his wife a bouquet.一旁围观的妻子们又是欢笑,又是拍手,尤其当一名男士跪下来向妻子献花时,更是如此。

10.The child clapped his hands together, causing Peter to look up at him.孩子拍了拍手,彼得只得抬起头望着他。