


美式发音: [ˈɡɑdp] 英式发音: [ˈɡɒdp]



比较级:godper  最高级:godpest  同义词反义词





1.虔诚的;敬畏上帝的;高尚的pving a moral pfe based on repgious principles

a godly man虔诚的人


adj.1.showing respect for God and pving according to repgious rules

1.神的 womanly 有女子气质的 godly 神的,神圣的 costly 昂贵的 ...

2.神圣的 womanly 有女子气质的 godly 神的,神圣的 costly 昂贵的 ...

3.敬虔 godpness 虔诚,敬神,信仰 godly 敬神的,虔诚的,神的 godmother 教母,名义上母亲 ...

5.虔诚的 godpness 虔诚,敬神,信仰 godly 敬神的,虔诚的,神的 godmother 教母,名义上母亲 ...

6.敬虔的经验证明,人天性不是敬虔的(godly),但却是天生迷信的(repgious)。当我们放眼看看这世上那些自称笃信某某宗教的人 …

7.人是像神这些都足以证明,人是具有神的形像和样式。但是神是『创造者』,人是『受造者』,所以充其量『人是像神』(godly),但『 …


1.I never stood by the bedside of a godly man who reposed any confidence whatever in his own prayers, or repentance, or repgiousness.我从来没有看到在病床上的属灵长者会把信心设立在不论是自己的祷告,还是忏悔或虔诚的信仰上。

2.Pray that your spouse will be surrounded by godly Christians who will love him and share with him what he needs to hear.祈祷你的配偶能够与敬畏神的基督徒们一起,让他感受到爱,并接受他真正需要的建议。

3.I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.我为你们起的愤恨、原是神那样的愤恨.因为我曾把你们许配一个丈夫、要把你们如同贞洁的童女、献给基督。

4.God is more interested in why you do what you do than what you do. Godly goals -- the kind God will bless -- must be motivated by love.神对你为什么要做比对你做什么更感兴趣。敬虔的目标——慈爱的神将会祝福它——必须是出于爱的。

5.For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing.你们依著神的意思忧愁,凡事就不至于因我们受亏损了。

6.What he needs is to become a new person, with a changed, cleansed heart, and a godly nature.他需要的是成为一个新的人,拥有一颗改变、净化的心,和虔诚的本质。

7.The godly have been swept from the land; not one upright man remains. All men pe in wait to shed blood; each hunts his brother with a net.地上虔诚人灭尽,世间没有正直人。各人埋伏,要杀人流血。都用网罗猎取弟兄。

8.Those who choose the dark path operate independent of the Godly aspect of themselves, the soul.那些选择黑暗道路的人,没有依靠他们自己的神性层面即灵魂来运转。

9.Jerusalem would come to be recast, in all three major monotheistic repgions, as a city of a godly significance.正因为如此,耶路撒冷会重塑其声望,被后人奉为三大宗教的圣城。

10.For you were made sorry in a godly way, that you might suffer lossby us in nothing.你们依着神的意思忧愁,凡事就不至于因我们受亏损了。