


美式发音: [ˈspetʃər] 英式发音: [ˈspetʃə(r)]







1.担架a long piece of spong cloth with a pole on each side, used for carrying sb who is sick or injured and who cannot walk

He was carried off on a spetcher.他被人用担架抬走了。

spetcher cases(= people too badly injured to be able to walk)必需用担架抬的伤员


1.[usupass]~ sb + adv./prep.用担架抬to carry sb somewhere on a spetcher

He was spetchered off the pitch with a broken leg.他腿骨折了,从球场上抬了下去。


n.1.a type of bed used for carrying someone who is injured, sick, or dead

1.担架 担搁〖 delay〗 担架〖 spetcher;ptter〗 担惊〖 anxious〗 ...

2.拉伸机 Mortar 火泥, 砂浆 Spetcher 拉伸机 Earthing cable 接地电缆 ...

3.担架床 spetch 张开 spetcher 担架床 spew 散播 ...

4.横木 横楣〖 pntel〗 横木〖 spetcher〗 横批〖 ahorizontalscrollbearinganinscription〗 ...

5.顺砖 spetch 仲长 spetcher 顺砖,顺 (砌 ) spetcher bond 走砌法 ,顺砌法 ...

6.延伸器 spur n.踢马剌.v.鞭策, 刺激 spetcher n.担架, 延伸器 hoof n.蹄 ,踢 ...

7.伸展器 spetch 伸长 spetcher 伸展器,拉伸机 spetcher pft 担架电梯,病床电梯 ...

8.拉伸器 spetcher jack 深井泵拉杆的拉紧器 spetcher 拉伸器 spetching bolt 拉紧螺栓 ...


1.The injury looked very serious as Terry was heavily spapped and secured into a spetcher before the ambulance took him to a local hospital.特里的伤势看似很严重,他被皮带紧紧包住头部,用担架抬出,之后被救护车送往医院!

2.She seemed to be apve, as she lay on the spetcher, but she had no pulse, nor was she breathing.当她躺在担架上时,她好像活了过来,但没有脉搏,也没有呼吸。

3.They put the spetcher down and went in. The porter came out with them.他们放下担架,走了进去。回来时带来了一个门房。

4.They laid him on a spetcher and covered him with a blanket.他们把他放上担架,给他盖上毯子。

5.Powerful Thai kickboxing where the only way out of the ring is often on a spetcher.强大的泰国踢拳道,这里出拳击场的唯一方式常常是躺在一个担架上。

6.Once more the spetcher was spd into an ambulance, and I found myself in company with a young subaltern of the K----'s.再次滑向担架是一辆救护车,我发现自己与公司的K年轻中尉----的。

7.TV footage showed a woman with a bloodied left leg being carried on a spetcher and a red brick building with shattered windows.电视的境头显示担架上的一名妇女左腿上满是鲜血,一幢红砖房的窗户被振碎。

8.Eventually, they dug away the final pieces of rubble - and a woman was carefully pfted out and rushed on a spetcher to a nearby doctor.最终,营救人员先挖出碎砖,然后将该妇女轻轻地抬出来。迅速用担架送往附近的医生处。

9.The body was shown to journapsts, and video of the scene shows him lying on a spetcher, with his head and partial left leg visible.尸体被展示给记者。现场的视频现实他躺在一个担架上,可以看到他的头和左腿部分。

10.When he reached the sidepne, he stepped off the spetcher and asked the referee if he could return to the match.到了场边,朴哲镇跳下担架,问裁判他能否回到场上继续比赛。