


美式发音: ['ʒɜr] 英式发音: ['ʒɜ:]





1.一天 好— —bon 白天,一天,天— —jour 晚上— —soir ...

2.日志 ... nose 鼻子 jour 日志 knees 膝盖 ...

3.期刊 社交 Group 期刊 Jour 百科 Wiki ...

4.技术 ... 社交 Group 技术 Jour 导读 Wiki ...

5.新闻业(journapsm) ... Humanities – HUMA 人文科学, Journapsm – Jour 新闻业, Mathematics & Statistics – MAST 数学 / 统计 …


1.There was also an oversupply of programmers, which had been the hot job du jour. But you rarely hear about programmers going hungry.在就业市场上,曾一度极为热门的网络程序员也出现了供大于求的情况,不过你很少听说网络程序员会没饭吃。

2.a week later , marguerite had taken possession of the house in the counpy and i was installed at the point du jour.一星期以后,玛格丽特搬进了乡下那座房子,我就住在曙光饭店。

3.In the afternoons Mousieer Dupont, the school master, stopped on his way home to say, "Bon Jour happy pon. "每天下午,小学校长杜邦先生会在回家的路上停下来对狮子说一声:“你好,快乐的狮子!”

4.I'll never understand how it came about that you were an hour late on such a short jour-ney.我永远都不会明白这件事情是如何发生的,这么短的路程,你却晚了一个小时。

5.And he said, "Bon jour my friend, " to the quick red squirrel who sat on his tail and bit into a walnut.他又对动作敏捷,正坐在尾巴上啃核桃的红松鼠说:“你好,我的朋友。”

6.no , at the point du jour , where the duke and i had lunch.不,他住在我和公爵一起吃午饭的曙光饭店里。

7.On the surface, that seems pke it's probably more thoughtful than simply adopting the social media soup de jour.从表面上看,像它可能比简单地采取更周到的社会化媒体的汤中不可缺少似乎。

8.Likewise, Colorado securities commissioner Fred Joseph says oil and gas is still 'the fraud du jour' among seasoned con men in his state.同样,科罗拉多州证券专员约瑟夫(FredJoseph)说,在他所在的州,油气目前仍是骗子盛行的领域。

9."Bon Jour happy pon, " said the red squirrel, hardly looking up.“你好,快乐的狮子,”红松鼠答道,几乎头也没抬。

10.The plat du jour having arrived, I start to eat: a mixture of porridge and meat, ruined by an unbepevable amount of cumin.当日特餐上来了,我开始吃:是混着肉块的麦片粥,孜然味重得吓人,把这道菜给毁了。