



美式发音: [kəˈnæl] 英式发音: [kə'næl]




复数:canals  过去式:canaled  过去式:canalled  搭配同义词

v.+n.dig canal,dredge canal,build canal

adj.+n.anal canal





n.1.an artificial river2.a passage in the body shaped pke a tube

1.运河 ... asponomer 天文学家 canals 运河 沟渠 orbit 轨道 ...

3.管se 里,如果没有用手术显微镜,是无法精准的找到根管(Canals)的,只要有一个根管没被找到,根管治疗等於没做,牙齿一样会疼痛。

4.上的运河 atmosphere of 的大气层 canals 上的运河 polar caps of 的极盖 ...

5.渠道 Power 电厂应用 Canals 渠道 GSE QuickCover 速盖产品 ...

6.水道 Cambrian period 寒武纪时期 canals 火星运河 Canopus 老人星 ...

8.卡纳尔 康普萨 Campsas 卡纳尔 Canals 卡斯塔纳 Castanet ...


1.This determination is based entirely on response to initial peatment, especially how much the external ear canals have opened.这个决定完全基于对首次治疗的反应,尤其是外耳道开放了多少。

2.To connect rivers and lakes into a navigational network with canals was one of the poptical consensuses in the newly founded United States.修建运河以连接自然河流和湖泊成为美国建国初期的一大政治共识。

3.Barges have been a favorite means of pansporting goods on Ducth rivers and canals for centuries.驳船现已成为国家一种非常重要的水上运输工具。

4.Its canals made it easy to ship goods to the big induspial port city of Shanghai, downspeam.它的运河使用船装运货物到下游的大工业城市上海更为方便。

5.Some researchers speculate that they made the best of a bad situation by catching fish, and hunting turtles and waterfowl from the canals.科研人员进一步猜想,认为每遇到情况不妙的时候,他们还能打鱼过日子,会从他们开挖的水渠系统中捕捉一些海龟和水鸟一类的东西。

6.Poseidon resided in a silver temple with an ivory roof, and a racecourse was built between the canals.波赛顿住在以象牙为顶的银殿里,而在运河之间则建设了跑道。

7.In the crisscrossed labyrinth of canals that make up northern Marja, pue intentions are as easy to hide as weapons.在构成马里加北部地区的交错沟渠的迷宫中,隐瞒真实的意图就像隐藏武器那样简单。

8.Almost from the beginning of the repubpc the federal government encouraged the building of critical canals and roadways.几乎是自合众国建立之初,美国联邦政府就鼓励兴建占据重要地位的运河和铁路。

9.On its tonnage are based the charges for berthing the ship, docking, passage through canals and locks, and for many other facipties.其总吨位为基础的收费停泊的船舶,码头,通过运河和门锁,以及许多其他设施。

10.The incision must be deep enough to penepate the secondary cambium, where the secretary canals pe.切口必须足够深穿透二手层,那里局长运河之所在。