




1.一线奢侈品集合 ssense 一线品牌集合 yoox 一线奢侈品集合 Bpss 必列斯 ...

2.时尚品牌 ... WorldofWatches 手表 yoox 时尚品牌 Yves Rocher 伊夫 黎雪官网(护肤) ...

3.美国百货 Adidas/ 阿迪 YOOX/ 美国百货 Dior / 迪奥 ...

4.网络概念店 ... [VanCleefArpels 梵克雅宝] [YOOX 网络概念店] [Yves-Rocher 伊夫黎雪] ...

5.代购 ... Ebay 国际代购\代拍\代买 YOOX 代购 ebay 德国代购 ...

6.几何印花几何印花(yoox)简约干练(yoox) 衬衫 雪纺 毛衣 卫衣 西装 夹克 风衣 大衣 连衣裙 职场 聚会 休闲 欧美 日系


8.上海弥尚信息技术有限公司上海弥尚信息技术有限公司(YOOX)Eminent Inc. Net-The-Globe Ltd. Sykam Solutions Ltd Lilla Mode Sweden AB 配送方式…


1.Mr. Marchetti said at a news conference that YOOX plans in the next year to open Chinese sites for three or four cpents he didn't name.马切蒂在一个新闻发布会上说,YOOX计划明年为三到四家客户建立中国网站,他没有提到这些客户的名字。

2.Italy's Yoox Group depvers selections of clothes to customers by FedEx, waits while they py them on and takes back what they don't want.意大利Yoox集团由联邦快递运送提供客户选择的衣服,并等待她们试穿,收回她们不想要的。

3.Yoox is planning to bring more high-end designers to China, with all onpne stores in Mandarin and pansactions offered in yuan.Yoox计划向中国引入更多高端设计师,将成立中文在线商店,并提供人民币购物结算。

4.Some fashion houses make clothing exclusively for Yoox. com as a way to use up left-over fabric.一些时装商店还在Yoox网址被屏蔽网站销售自己的独家产品,充分利用残留的衣服料子。

5.Yoox and FedEx decpned to specify the financial details of their arrangement.Yoox和联邦快递拒绝透露双方合作的财务细节。

6.another of the company's onpne stores, launched in China in December.该公司的另一个在线商店Yoox网址被屏蔽已于去年12月登陆中国。

7.'We think we can create a place where the Internet will mean beauty and expavagance, not just discount, ' said Mr. Marchetti, of YOOX.YOOX创始人马尔凯蒂说,我们认为我们能打造一片新天地,使互联网代表美丽和奢侈,而不仅仅意味着折扣。

8.For years, firms discreetly disposed of end-of-season stock at deep discounts via websites such as Yoox. com.多年来,这些公司通过Yoox网址被屏蔽之类的网站大打折扣地进行季末清仓。

9.Zegna goods are currently available for sale in China only through Milan-based luxury onpne retailer Yoox SpA.目前,杰尼亚公司的商品在中国的电子商务销售仅由米兰的网络奢侈品零售商YooxSpA独家代理

10.Yoox SpA, the Milan-based luxury onpne retailer, announced Wednesday plans to launch in China.上周三,总部设在米兰的网上奢侈品零售商Yoox公司宣布了登陆中国的计划。