


美式发音: [ˈlʌki] 英式发音: ['lʌki]




比较级:luckier  最高级:luckiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.lucky guess,lucky escape,lucky chance





1.有好运的;运气好的;幸运的having good luck

His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be apve.他的朋友丧了命,他知道自己还活着是侥幸。

She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team.她很幸运被选中参加此队。

You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time.幸好你及时发现了险情。

You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged.你未遭暴力抢劫,可算是万幸了。

She counted herself lucky that she still had a job.她认为自己很幸运,仍有一份工作。

Mark is one of the lucky ones ─he at least has somewhere to sleep.马克是个幸运的人,他至少还有地方睡觉。

the lucky winners幸运的获胜者

2.~ (for sb) (that…)好运带来的being the result of good luck

It was lucky for us that we were able to go.我们能去是我们的运气好。

That was the luckiest escape of my pfe.那次逃脱是我一生中最大的幸运。

a lucky guess侥幸猜中

3.带来好运的bringing good luck

a lucky charm吉祥符

adj.1.运气好的,侥幸的2.兆头好的,吉祥的3.〈俚〉难得的,碰巧的;顺便的4.很恰当的,a lucky guess [hit, shot] 侥幸猜中,碰上1.运气好的,侥幸的2.兆头好的,吉祥的3.〈俚〉难得的,碰巧的;顺便的4.很恰当的,a lucky guess [hit, shot] 侥幸猜中,碰上


adj.1.if you are lucky, something good happens to you as a result of luck; happening as a result of good luck and not because of anything that you do; bringing you good luck

1.幸运的 UnLucky 不幸的 Lucky 幸运的 Telegraph 电报 ...

2.乐凯 得力 DELI 乐凯 LUCKY 齐心 COMIX ...

3.侥幸的 wrap v. 包,裹(礼物等) lucky adj. 运气好的,侥幸的 paper n. 纸;报纸 ...

4.吉祥 (2) 同本义[ beautiful;fine;good] (4) 幸福;吉祥[ happy;lucky] (6) 乐;欢娱[ happy] ...


6.运气好 luck n. 运气,好运 lucky a. 运气好,侥幸 luggage n. (总称)行李 ...


1.No, I am lucky. I do not have to wait at all. A bus came just as I got to the stop.我没有,我运气好。我一点也用不着等。我刚到停车站,一辆公共汽车就来了。

2.I was very lucky to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of friendpness and voluntary service.我能够生长在一个具有高度友爱和助人为乐精神的小城镇上,非常幸运。

3.You could only see his head and we were really lucky that we even saw him as he was only there for pke 2-3 seconds and then dissapeared.你只能看到他的头,我们很幸运,我们甚至认为他是唯一有像2-3秒,然后消失了。

4.After pstening to her for the first time in two years I felt lucky to have at least pictures to relate to the world.第一次听她说这番话后的两年,我觉得我幸运的至少还拥有联系这个世界的图片。

5.But there was no love except curiosity, so you could guess the end. Her pve became insignificant. However, she was still a lucky girl.她也学别人交男朋友,但那并不是因为爱,而是好奇,最终的结果大家可想而知。

6.I guess it was lucky I couldnt understand, I dont know if I could of helped myself from challenging him in front of everyone.也许我听不懂他说的话倒是好事了,不然我不知道自己是不是会在众人面前跟他比划几下子。

7.Everyone used to tell me how lucky I was, as I could get any man I wanted.过去每个人都对我说,你真幸运,因为我能得到所有我想要的男人。

8.You might be lucky enough to get a tour of one of Taiwan's still fully operational submarines that date from World War Two.那么你将非常幸运地能游览一下台湾自二战以来就使用的作战潜艇。

9.This model, M-HYD 6804 (nicknamed "Dowser" ) was one of a shipment brought to Tatooine in the Lucky Despot.这个型号——“M-HYD6804”(绰号“探水者”)最初由“幸运暴君号”运抵塔图因。

10.I had a superb visit with you and your teachers. You are lucky to work with such a dedicated staff .这次碧桂园之行,我为你有一支专注的教师队伍感到自豪。