




1.感到自豪 feel at home 像在家里一样舒适 feel proud 感到自豪 feel lonely 感到寂寞 ...

2.扬眉吐气 They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族. hold one's head high;feel proud;Be elated 扬眉吐气 ...

3.感到骄傲 很多女老师 many women teachers 感到骄傲 feel proud 交换照片 pade phones ...


1.I hate what I put Dan through, and I hate that I deprived myself of a chance to be with the person who made me feel proud of who I am.我痛恨自己让丹经历的一切,我痛恨自己就这样失去了丹,他是那样一个令我能够为我是谁而感到骄傲的人。

2.And thanks to the above points and the fact that you can embed PHP in HTML, it's very easy to make something that you can feel proud of.多亏了以上几点,并且可以让使用者把PHP放在HTML里面的事实,这样就可以在做一些让你自己感到自豪的事情时变得非常容易。

3.She was not quite sure that she did not feel proud enough, after the visitor's remarks, to say a good deal.她不敢保证,在那个客人说了那样一番话后,她会不会得意忘形,到处去瞎嚷嚷。

4.when i find something left in my cab , and i can return it to the owner , i feel very happy . i feel proud , " he said" .当我在我车里发现失物时,我会物归原主,我觉得很高兴。我引以自豪,他说。

5.Don't be sad, bepeve me, I'm back on the road to be the person you hope to see, and I'm gonna make you feel proud of me.不要伤心,相信我,我在尽力地让自己变成你所希望看到的那个人,我会让你为我感到骄傲。

6.Being one of the ambassadors for Taiwan, it's such a great honor and really feel proud to earn this title!之一,对台湾的大使,这是一个伟大的荣誉,真的感到自豪赚取这个标题!

7.It seems pretty basic to me. If you want to feel proud of yourself, you've got to do things you can be proud of.在我看来这似乎是相当基本的:如果你想对自己感到骄傲,你必须做你可以自豪的的事情。

8.'I feel proud of myself. I've always been confident, but I've had moments where I haven't wanted people to see me naked. '我为我自己而感到自豪,我总是充满信心,但是有时候我还是不希望有人看到我裸体的样子。

9.We have many reasons to feel proud of being Latin American, and of how much we have built over these two centuries.我们有很多理由感受身为拉美国家的骄傲,而其中之一就是我们已经立国超过两个世纪。

10.Thank you for your microcontinent! ! ! ! ! Your deeds touched me with the same age and because you, I feel proud! ! ! ! !谢谢你林浩!你的事迹感动着我,我因与你同龄而感到骄傲!