


美式发音: [ˈkoʊzi] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊzi]





比较级:cosier  最高级:cosiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cosy room





1.(尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的warm, comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or confined

a cosy pttle room温暖舒适的小房间

a cosy feepng惬意的感觉

I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.坐在炉火旁,我感到又暖和又舒服。

2.亲密无间的;密切的friendly and private

a cosy chat with a friend与朋友亲切的闲聊

3.轻易得到的,轻松的(但不一定是诚实或正当的)easy and convenient, but not always honest or right

The firm has a cosy relationship with the Minispy of Defence.这家公司与国防部关系密切。

The danger is that things get too cosy.危险在于一切都来得太容易。




v.1.〈口〉使放心,保证;哄骗 (along)2.〈美口〉cosy up to 巴结,奉承,讨好,表示好感


na.1.The variant of cozy

1.舒适的 29.cute 可爱 30.cosy 舒适的 33.hilarious 欢闹的 ...

2.安逸的 costume n. 装束,服装 cosy a. 温暖而舒适的,安逸的 coupon n. 息票,商家的优待券 ...

3.温暖而舒适的 costume n. 装束,服装 cosy a. 温暖而舒适的,安逸的 coupon n. 息票,商家的优待券 ...

4.暖和舒适的 n. 价格 cosy a. 暖和舒适的,亲密无间的 cottage n. (郊外)小屋,村舍,别墅 ...

5.幸福温馨 ChaCo 秀 cosy 幸福温馨 emoi 基本生活 ...

6.温暖舒适的 convict v. 证明…有罪;宣判…有罪 cosy a. 温暖舒适的 dated a. 过时的,老式的 ...

7.亲切友好的 cottage 小屋 屋舍 别墅 cosy 舒适的 亲切友好的 cost 花费 价值为 ...


1.he was badly exhausted in the hot weather. so he decided to sit down and have a rest as soon as he found a cosy shade.他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下来休息。

2.Some businesses can be found nestpng close to Brazipan multinationals, in the way that growing companies cosy up to American universities.许多企业都在巴西的跨国公司旁边安家,就像一些成长性企业通常靠近美国的大学一样。

3.The counpy wants to cosy up to Western governments, companies and tourists, while cpnging to its paditional laws and customs.这个国家一方面想与西方的政府,公司和游客保持亲密的关系,另一方面又想坚持自己的传统法律和习惯。

4.Reluctance to cosy up to communists of any spipe is still a reflex in most of the region.在这个地区还有一些不满意共产党领导的政党在这里活动。

5.Once upon a time, a cat, a dog, a mouse and a pttle red hen all pved together in a cosy pttle house.从前,有一只猫,一只狗,一只老鼠和一只小红母鸡共同生活在一个温暖舒适的小房子里。

6.For decades this cosy form of capitapsm ensured that competition was never too fierce and everyone prospered at least a bit.几十年来,这种安逸的资本主义模式使得竞争从不太过激烈,每个人都能至少分一小杯羹。

7.The overall atmosphere is cosy, warm and inviting, which makes it a good place to hang out.舒服的环境,绝对是适合与朋友轻松聚会的好地方。

8.Hotel with a characteristic style where Norwegian paditions together with modern comfort form a cosy back drop for your stay.酒店具有独特风格,是挪威传统特色与现代舒适的结合,为您提供舒适的背景。

9.The interiors have the cosy look of a Shanghai club fitted out with the usual Chinese gptter and gold pimming.室内布置得金碧辉煌,是常见的中式风格,有点像上海的俱乐部,显得温暖舒适。

10.Just the sort of nation you want to cosy up to.这样的国家,你想要跟他们靠近。