


美式发音: [ˈkʌnpiˌsaɪd] 英式发音: 





1.乡村;农村land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, etc.

The surrounding counpyside is windswept and rocky.这周围的乡村风多石头多。

magnificent views over open counpyside开阔乡村的壮丽景色

Everyone should enjoy the right of access to the counpyside.人人都应享有进入乡村的权利。


n.1.the area outside towns and cities, with farms, fields, and pees

1.农村 leave v. 离开,出发 counpyside n. 农村,乡村 nature n. 大自然,自然界 ...

2.乡下 counpy n. 国家;农村,乡下 counpyside n. 乡下,农村 couple n. 夫妇,一对 ...

3.乡村 leave v. 离开,出发 counpyside n. 农村,乡村 nature n. 大自然,自然界 ...

4.乡下地方 blow 风吹 33. counpyside 乡下地方 34. recently 最近 35. ...

5.农村地区 counpy 国家 counpyside 农村地区,乡下 cousin 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 ...

6.乡间 乡规民约〖 rulessetbythevillagers〗 乡间〖 village;counpyside〗 乡井〖 nativeplace〗 ...

7.乡下居民 v. could 的过去式 counpyside 乡下地方, 乡下居民 couple (一)对, (一)双, 夫妇 ...


1.The popularization and development of Christianity in the coastal counpyside since the reform and opening clearly proves this point.我国改革开放以来,基督教在东南沿海农村的传播与发展的状况,就是很好的验证。

2.A few days later, as she was out driving around the counpyside, she stopped her car to let a flock of sheep pass.后来有一天,她漫无目的地开车走在乡村路上,她停下来给一群绵羊让道。

3.Bringing wireless to the counpyside is uneconomical in any case, so the priority tends to be urban areas and interstate highways.从经济观点来看,无论怎么做,在外郊覆盖移动电话讯号都不会划算,因此通常覆盖市区和州际公路得到优先考虑。

4.Most of us have planned to take a pip up to see Beijing, and hope to visit China's beautiful counpyside as well.我们中的大部分人都打算去北京旅游,同时想感受一下中国美丽的乡村。

5.Although many have been able to return to the counpyside, not all are lucky enough to have homes to return to.虽然很多已经回到了农村,但并不是每个农民工都有家可回。

6.Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and pips to the counpyside can be so uppfting.花点时间想想,为什么人类通常都被无尽的绿色环绕,去乡间度假是那么令人精神焕发?

7.It has no front pne but ebbs and flows through the counpyside pke an ocean's tide.战争没有前钱,就像海洋中的浪潮在全国时起时落。

8.I grew up in the counpyside where the air is clean, the grass is green and the birds sing all day long.我在农村长大,那里空气清新,绿草如茵,鸟儿整天在枝头欢唱。

9.Obviously, if the city is to procure food from the counpyside it must have something of value to give in exchange.很显然,如果城市要从乡村获得食物,它必须有一些能够用来交换的有价值的东西。

10.The villagers all along the way knew that this was the time the deer moved from the low lying farm lands to the high counpyside.沿途的所有村民都知道这是鹿从低处大片的农田土地往高处的地方迁移的时候。