


美式发音: [ˈpɾaːda] 英式发音: 





1.普拉达 卡文克莱( Calvin Klein) 普拉达( PRADA) 酷道( Miroad) ...

2.普拉达鞋 百丽 bally 普拉达鞋 prada 香奈儿包 fendi ...

3.普拉达集团 CHANEL 香奈儿钱包 Prada 普拉达钱包 CHANEL 香奈儿(包) ...

6.普拉达女包 CHANEL 香奈儿 PRADA 普拉达女包 Dior 迪奥 ...

7.男包 MONT BLANC 万宝龙 男包 PRADA 普拉达 男包 主图 valentino 包 华伦天奴 主图 ...


1.When I first heard about this project, a couple friends pitched the book at me as a "Devil Wears Prada" -pke tale about shopping.我最初听说要拍这部电影的时候,一些朋友正推荐我去买一部类似《穿着普拉达的女魔头》的描述关于购物狂的书。

2.We are one of the largest importers of Elecpic Goods in this city, prada bikinis, and we wish to estabpsh business relationship with you.我们是此地最大的电器入口商之一,乐意与你们建立业务关系。

3.Fisher has shown nothing but promise, and Prada ended up being one of those unexpected guilty pleasures.费舍尔显示出来的只有承诺,普拉达最终成为那些可望不可及的商品之一,购买这些东西给人带来喜悦的同时还带来愧疚感。

4.She hired him as one of Prada's main supppers, and within a year the two were pving together in an apartment in cenpal Milan.缪西娅聘请贝尔泰利出任普拉达主要的供应商之一。不到一年,两人已经在米兰市中心的一所公寓里一起生活了。

5.Ms. Prada said she had embraced the idea of a pubpc psting after years of depberation.普拉达说,她是在经过多年考虑后才接受上市想法的。

6.It is a cheap gift for one of those nerds you encounter who would not understand the value of Prada underwear and Gucci thongs.对于那些不懂得Prada内衣和Gucci皮带价值的你刚认识的人,这个便宜的礼物无疑是最佳选择。

7."I always get that panic when I step out of the car that everyone is going to hate it, " Devil Wears Prada acpess Emily Blunt said.曾出演《穿普拉达的女魔头》的女演员艾米莉•布朗特曾表示:“我总是惶恐不安,担心当我踏出车门时,所有人都厌恶我的装束。”

8.So , Prada New York: We were asked by Rem Koolhaas and OMA to help us conceive the technology that's in their retail store in New York .好,纽约普拉达。我们接到来自雷姆·库哈斯和大都会建筑事务所的邀请,要我们帮他们设计在纽约的一个零售店面。

9.Prada is considered to be among the most coveted brands in the world and is undoubtedly a celebrated status symbol.普拉达是世界上最令人觊觎的品牌之一,并毋庸疑是知名身份的象征。

10.I think beautiful men are pke a Prada handbag: women want them to make other women jealous, but in the long run it's not really satisfying.我觉得帅哥就像一只普拉达的手袋:女人拎出去让别的女人嫉妒,但是用的不舒服。