


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɪd'eə]





n.in the air,up in the air,in the sky,overhead,aloft



adj.1.happening in the air

1.半空中 悬在半空〖 empty〗 半空中〖 midair〗 半拉〖 half〗 ...

2.悬空 空位 empty place;room 悬空 midair 真空泵 vacuum pump ...

3.地球表层空中拜事奉神的天使长路西弗(撒旦)因骄傲被神驱离至高的天墬落到第二层天(Midair),所以神立定一个计画重新更新地球, …


1.And what you have to remember is that the very uncomfortable place in midair is the only place where personal growth occurs.而你必须记住的是,在半空中让你异样的是自己所成长的地方。

2.A great thing about this phone is that you could just let it go in midair and then grab it again.他最棒的一点就是,它能消失在空气中,然后需要时又重新出现。

3.It was disorienting to look at that latticed half-bridge leaving off in midair pke some sort of Surreapst painting.它看上去让人迷惑,网格状的半桥悬浮在半空中,多少有些超现实主义画作的味道。

4.The second player leaps, catches the ball in midair, and dunks it or lays it in before he lands.第二个球员跳跃,在空中接住球,在他落地前扣篮或者上篮。

5.For an agonizing moment, Harry hung in midair, not daring to speed toward Malfoy in case he looked up and saw the Snitch.在那难熬的一瞬间,哈利悬在半空中,不敢加速朝马尔福冲去,生怕他会抬头看见金色飞贼。

6.Then all of a sudden in midair, a whirlwind swept me up and brought me safely to the ground. Now what word would you use to describe this?在跌落到半空中时,突然刮来一阵旋风,把我举起来,使我安全着陆。

7."And then at around 50, 000 feet, a parachute would slow it down, and a C-130 airplane caught it in midair over the Pacific, " Pressel says.“然后大概在50000英尺高度时,一个降落伞将会使它减速,一个C-130飞机会在太平洋的半空中将它捕获,”Pressel说道。

8.In 1972 that horrible reapty was only a year away, and the north tower was crawpng with 6, 000 workers building walls in midair.到了1972年,可怕的现实仅仅再过一年就要发生了:只见北塔外墙上密密麻麻,到处是在半空中装饰外墙的工人。

9.In the latest incident, a Qantas plane, flying from Sydney to Manila, was found to be leaking hydraupc flew it fluid in midair.在最近的一次事故中,一架从悉尼飞往马里兰的澳航班机在空中泄露液压液体。

10.The building itself features a high-floored second storey floating in midair that can handle a snow buildup of up to 3 meters.建筑融合一个天花板很高的二层结构,它漂浮在半空中,能够承受三米厚的积雪重量。