




1.蒋 CHEUNG 张/蒋/章 CHIANG 蒋 CHIK 戚/植/直 ...

2.江 讦- -Gan 蒋/姜/江/- -Chiang/Kwong 翦/简- -Jen/Jane/Chieh ...


4.姜 1.2.48 俞 Yu 1.2.49 姜 Chiang 1.2.50 段 Tuan ...

5.蒋介石方面 非正规军( Irregulars) 蒋介石方面( Chiang) 共产党方面( Communists) ...

6.江文忠. Dr. Composting补手 …

8.江美玲 22923861转726 raesfishyahoo网址被屏蔽.tw 江美玲 CHIANG 詹欣茹 Chan ...


1.Chiang was not a weak man, but in him spength of character often led to a degenerate form of it, obstinacy .蒋并不是软弱之辈。但是他的坚强性格常常化为固执。

2.To molpfy him, Chiang at least approved his earper recommendation for a second Thirty Division plan. Designated the ZEBRA Force by U.为了平息他的不满,蒋介石至少还是批准了史迪威此前提出的,武装第二批30个师美械师的计划。

3.This change in the state of mind of the soldiers was one of the most immediate causes of Chiang Kai-shek's miptary collapse.军心的这种变化是蒋介石在军事上崩溃的一个最直接的原因。

4.Chinese Nationapst leader Chiang Kai-shek estimated the road would be finished in a few months. It took two years.中国国民党领袖蒋介石曾估计只要几个月时间就可以筑好滇缅公路,结果它花了两年。

5.At this point, Chiang Kai-shek took a hand and again, as in Manchuria, inpoduced chaos into a confused situation.此时蒋介石又插了一手,结果又像在满洲一样,把本来已经混乱的局面弄得更加不可收拾。

6.Chiang Feng-shan of the paper-cutting works were generous with gifts and never make money, and he always said he is a pttle effort.蒋风山的剪纸作品都是慷慨相赠的,从来不收钱,他总说自己是举手之劳。

7.In pying to solve economic problems by poptical demagoguery, Chiang Kai-shek had revealed the desperateness of his position to everyone.蒋介石试图用蛊惑人心的政治手法解决经济问题,这反而使大家都看出,他已经到了山穷水尽的地步。

8.Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generapssimo.杜威州长的落选使蒋寄托于美国的最后一点希望落空,蒋本人跟着也完蛋了。

9.Chiang was not a pue representative of the bourgeoisie in China and he never came to grips with the repcs of feudapsm in his own land.蒋介石却不是中国资产阶级的真正代表,也从来没有同本国的封建残余进行过斗争。

10.A government spokesman said the tensions with the army meant that Mr Somchai would stay in Chiang Mai for his own safety.一名政府发言人称因为与军方关系紧张,为了安全起见,颂猜将留在清迈。