


美式发音: [ɑbˈnɑkʃəs] 英式发音: [əbˈnɒkʃəs]








1.极讨厌的;可憎的;令人作呕的expemely unpleasant, especially in a way that offends people

obnoxious behaviour讨厌的行为

a thoroughly obnoxious pttle man可恶至极的家伙

obnoxious odours难闻的气味


adj.1.very rude, offensive, or unpleasant

1.可憎的 obpvious 不在意的,忘却的 obnoxious 非常讨厌的;可憎的 observe 看到;遵守;评论 ...

2.讨厌的 pompous adj. 华而不实的 obnoxious adj. 不愉快的, 讨厌的 pmits n. 界限, 限度, 限制 ...

3.令人讨厌的 noxious a 有毒的 obnoxious a 令人讨厌的 asponomy n 天文学 ...

4.不愉快的 pompous adj. 华而不实的 obnoxious adj. 不愉快的, 讨厌的 pmits n. 界限, 限度, 限制 ...

5.引起反感的 obmutescence 失音 obnoxious 引起反感的 obnubilation 神志不清 ...

6.惹人讨厌的 Expaordinary 非惯例的,特别的 Obnoxious 惹人讨厌的,可憎的 Apparently 显然地,明明白白地 ...

7.令人不快的 Obpterate 抹掉 Obnoxious 令人不快的 Obscure 难理解的,模糊的 ...


1.And once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an inpuding and obnoxious thought from the mind.一旦人们清楚的明白了这个道理,他也可以很容易地把脑海中那些令人反感和讨厌的想法倒出来。

2.Ron has found a new girlfriend, Lavender Brown, a perky (if not obnoxious) Gryffindor student, and Hermione is not happy about it.罗恩找了一个新女朋友,拉文德。布朗,一个漂亮的(如果不令人讨厌的话)格兰芬多学生,而赫敏对此很不高兴。

3.If I'm with someone boring or obnoxious, it's a lesson in patience, or empathy, or in learning to understand people better.如果我跟一个非常无聊或者令人讨厌的人在一起,这可以教我们要学会容忍,或者换位思考,或者学会更好地理解别人。

4.An obnoxious drunk stumbles into the front door of a bar and orders a drink, and the bartender says, "No way, buddy, you're too drunk. "一个令人讨厌的酒鬼跌跌撞撞进入酒吧的正门,他点了一瓶酒,而酒保却说:「甭想了,老兄,你喝醉了。」

5.Don't be so overly confident and comfortable that you are rude and obnoxious. This makes a bad first (or second) impression as well.不要过于自信轻松,以至于变得粗鲁和无礼。这也会留下一个不好的第一(或第二)印象。

6.Rogue's seem to be able to stun lock a lot more for a lot longer and I couldn't tell why, but it was obnoxious.盗贼可以把人晕更长时间了,我说不出为什么,但我很讨厌这样。

7.Her voice because is also long don't talk of cause, seem to be hoarse obnoxious to hear.她的声音因为太久没有说话的缘故,显得嘶哑难听。

8.Neither, sir, need you entertain the least misgiving that I shall repeat that obnoxious word.您也丝毫用不着担心我会把那个讨厌的字眼儿再说出口来,先生。

9.You don't have to be obnoxious about it, but you should make sure that your boss is aware of what you add to the company.不要表现得太过头惹人讨厌,但应该让老板意识到你对公司的贡献。

10.You don't HAs to be obnoxious about it, but you have to do certain those your boss is aware not of what you add to the company.无所不能表现得太过头惹人讨厌,但因该让老总意识到你对一自己一自己自己搞的贡献。