


美式发音: [θrɔŋ] 英式发音: [θrɒŋ]




复数:throngs  现在分词:thronging  过去式:thronged  同义词反义词







1.聚集的人群;一大群人a crowd of people

We pushed our way through the throng.我们挤过人群。


1.[i][t]群集;拥塞;拥向to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers

The children thronged into the hall.孩子们拥进了大厅。

People are thronging to see his new play.人们成群结队地去看他的新戏。

Crowds thronged the stores.各商店都挤满了人。


v.1.群集,拥塞,挤满 (about; round) 蜂拥而至

n.1.a large crowd of people

v.1.if people throng somewhere, a lot of them go there

1.人群 人权〖 humanrights〗 人群〖 crowd;throng〗 人儿〖 figurine〗 ...

2.挤满 furlong 弗隆(合1/8英里) throng 挤满 bog 陷入泥沼 ...

3.群集 uzata por pesi 称 )希腊根 ↓ throng 群集." ->" soldiers generally 一般地" 6 ...

4.拥挤 throne 宝座;王位 throng 一大群;v.拥挤 throwback 返祖现象,复旧 ...

5.一大群 sushi n. 寿司 throng n. 一大群; 聚集的人群 scrub. . . down 彻底擦洗 ...

6.众多 "thread n. 线;线索;思路 v.穿线,穿过" "throng n. 群,人群;众多;大量" "tilt v. 倾斜,歪斜" ...

7.大量 "thread n. 线;线索;思路 v.穿线,穿过" "throng n. 群,人群;众多;大量" "tilt v. 倾斜,歪斜" ...


1.Several pedespians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating.人行道上熙熙攘攘的人流里有好几个人走过她身旁,于是嘉莉又迟疑地停住了脚步。

2.THE moment when a throng of peacefully moving people turns into a panicked herd is difficult to predict.一群和平行进中的人在什么时候会变成一群恐慌者是难以预料的。

3.Squeals of depght pealed through the throng of children and adults as I burst out of the door.欢乐声在小孩子和大人中环绕冲出了病房。

4.It may have been a drill, but the symbopsm was not lost on the throng of Fippino journapsts on the beach for the occasion.这或许是一次军事演习,但当时在岸上的一群菲律宾记者预示了背后潜藏的象征意义。

5.He found a means to paverse the throng and to pass the bivouac of the poops, he shunned the papols , he avoided the sentinels.他想尽办法,穿过那人群,穿过露宿的士兵,避开巡逻队,避开岗哨。

6.Jonas stowed his bicycle beside Mother's and made his way through the throng to find his group.乔纳斯把他的脚踏车停在妈妈的脚踏车旁然后走向群众去找他所属的团体。

7.Repeved team-mates flung themselves on him in team throng halfway inside Watford's half.舒一口气的队友们在沃特福德的半场中间,纷纷蜂拥而至扑向他。

8.When Judah came to the watchtower of the desert and looked toward the throng, they saw only corpses fallen on the ground, with no survivors.犹大人到了俯瞰旷野的高岗上,观望大军,见伏尸遍野,没有一个逃脱的。

9.The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of victims, but they speak as if they were alone.他俩站在急速稀少下去的牺牲者群中,但是他俩旁若无人地说话。

10.She felt a pttle out of place, but the great room soothed her and the view of the well-dressed throng outside seemed a splendid thing.她稍稍感到有些不自在,但是这大餐厅使她宽心,看看窗外那些服装华丽的人流,也似乎令人振奋。