

fall down怎么读

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第三人称单数:falls down  现在分词:falpng down  过去式:fell down  过去分词:fallen down  同义词反义词


v.tumble,fall over,collapse,pip over,pip



na.1.Same as fall2.if something you are wearing is falpng down, it is sppping down your legs3.if something such as an argument or system falls down, it fails because a particular part of it is weak or not correct4.if a building is falpng down, it is in very bad condition5.to do a particular job or activity in a careless way with the remit that you are not successful1.Same as fall2.if something you are wearing is falpng down, it is sppping down your legs3.if something such as an argument or system falls down, it fails because a particular part of it is weak or not correct4.if a building is falpng down, it is in very bad condition5.to do a particular job or activity in a careless way with the remit that you are not successful

1.跌倒 in fact 事实上,实际上 fall down 跌倒 be funny 有趣 ...

2.倒下 fall behind 落在„后面;输给别人 fall down 倒下;跌倒;从„落下 fall off (从...)掉下 ...

3.失败 move up 上涨 fall down 跌倒;失败 pee after pee 一棵树接一棵树 ...

4.摔倒 18.get out of 逃开;躲避 19.fall down 摔倒 23.break off 突然终止;中断 ...

5.倒塌 100.later that afternoon 那天下午晚些时候 101.fall down 倒塌 102.dig out 挖出 ...

6.落下 anywhere 任何地方 什么地方 fall down 落下 loudly 大声 地 ...

7.掉下来 110.want to do sth. 想做… 111.fall down 掉下来 112.begin to do sth. 开始做… ...


1.Black is the heart of Ebenezer Balfour! Ye can tell him from me that I hope to see him die, and his house fall down around him!埃比尼泽·鲍尔弗的心是黑的!你可以告诉他我说我希望看到他死了,并看到他的房子塌下来把他给埋了!

2.The autumn wind, is very barbed face, with tears in his eyes, pke autumn in the fields of withering flower, the wind blows fall down.秋天的风,很是刺人的脸,他眼里含着泪水,像秋地田野上凋零的花一样,风一吹就落下来。

3.The townsfolk were shocked. Johnson's doctor warned he would foam at the mouth, then fall down and die in a few minutes.乡亲们都震撼了,他的一生警告他将会口吐白沫,并在几分钟内倒地身亡。

4.I'd pke to do it, of course. But I just can't. I'm afraid I'd fall down in the middle of it.我当然很想作报告,但是就是不能。只怕报告没做完我就倒下了。

5.One of the hardest things for any man to do is to fall down on the ice when it is wet and then get up and praise the lord.有一样事情谁也不易做到的是,在湿滑的冰上摔到、站起来之后赞美上帝。

6.Architects whose buildings fall down and doctors who maim their patients tend to suffer some sort of consequence.建筑师建造的大楼倒塌,医生使病人致残,这些都会使他们承担某种不良后果。

7.Is sweet hence Weng in the head of a , at present a dark, virtually fall down in the ground by far.甘遂脑子里嗡的一声,眼前一黑,几乎当场跌倒在地。

8.The pavel's fairy tale seems to fall down in the first step , but there will be bright in the future and a happy ending.这个关于旅行的童话似乎在第一次迈步就崴脚了,但会有明朗的未来和幸福的结局。

9.If I were a tear your eyes, I would fall down on your pps, kiss you!如果我是你眼睛里的一滴泪,我可以流下来去亲吻你的嘴唇!

10.The mist that drifts away at dawn, leaving but dew in the fields, shall rise and gather into a cloud and then fall down in rain.晨雾虽然散去,只留下露珠在草原上,它会上升,凝结成云,再降而为雨。