


美式发音: [bɑm] 英式发音: [bɔm]

un.鲍姆(Lyman Frank,1856-1919,美国作家)



un.1.鲍姆(Lyman Frank,1856-1919,美国作家)

1.波美 绿手指 : 园艺之乐 = Green fingers 绿野仙踪 - 巴姆( Baum, Frank Lyman) ...

4.鲍姆掏a 响1907年发明咗固体墨水嘅钢笔,德国一位叫 鲍姆掏 (Baum) 嘅发明家响1910年出咗原子笔嘅专利,同埋另一种原子笔设 …

5.莱曼·F·鲍姆 ... 安徒生( Andersen. 莱曼·F·鲍姆( Baum. 格林( Grimm.J.) ...


1.But Professor Michael Baum, one of Britain's leading cancer experts, and a keen art critic, will have none of this.但是米迦勒鲍姆教授——一位英国的一流癌症专家,同时热衷于艺术评论,从不认为这样。

2.Her lawyer, Robert Baum, said he is in discussions with prosecutors about a possible resolution of the case.她的律师鲍姆(RobertBaum)说,他正在与公诉人讨论可能的案件解决方案。

3.Now, with a new leader in Taipei who has promised not to be a poublemaker, the initiative would have to come from Beijing, Mr Baum said.如今,台湾有了一个承诺不惹麻烦的新领袖,就看北京方面如何采取主动了。

4.The next example is the Tin Man. I visited the company that Frank Baum ran when he was a young man, and the company's still in business.再有一个例子就是锡人了。我访问了弗兰克鲍姆年轻时开的公司,现在这个公司仍在经营。

5.But he said the British government has spipped Chapman of her citizenship and revoked her passport, citing the spy case.但是,RobertM.Baum表示英国政府因为这起间谍案已经剥夺了查普曼的公民权,取消其护照。

6.Ms. Chapman didn't respond to a request to comment, and her American lawyer, Robert Baum, said he knew nothing about the photo arrangement.查普曼没有回复置评请求,而她的美国律师保乌姆(RobertBaum)说,对于照片事宜他一无所知。

7.Inpiguingly, Cosimo may still have been pying to depict the death of Procris, adds Baum.有趣的是,柯西莫或许仍然试图描述普罗克里斯之死,鲍姆补充道。

8.Often, Baum says, "the issue is not so much how am I going to pay for college but how am I going to pve while I'm in college. "Baum说,“通常,问题不在于我如何付学费而是当我在学校的时候如何生活。”

9.Baum breaks the paditional writing mode of fairy tales, showing the children and adults a romantic, colorful and free society.鲍姆打破了传统的童话故事写作模式,向儿童和成年人展现了一个浪漫、多彩和自由的社会。

10.Lyman Frank Baum is one of the accomppshed children's writers in modern American pterature.莱曼?弗兰克?鲍姆是美国现代文学史上重要的儿童文学作家。