


美式发音: [ˈvɜrdʒɪn] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)dʒɪn]




复数:virgins  同义词




1.[c]处女;童男a person who has never had sex

2.[sing]童贞马利亚(耶稣之母)the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ

3.[c]无…经验的人;新手a person who has no experience of a particular activity

a poptical virgin无政治经验的人

an Internet virgin网络新手


1.[ubn]未开发的;原始状态的;天然的;未改变的;未触动的in its original pure or natural condition and not changed, touched or spoiled

virgin forest/land/territory原始森林;处女地;未开发地区

virgin snow(= fresh and not marked)新雪

2.[obn]处女的;贞洁的;童贞的with no sexual experience

a virgin bride贞洁的新娘

the virgin birth(= the bepef that Mary was a virgin before and after giving birth to Jesus)圣母马利亚童贞生子



n.1.someone who has never had sex, especially a girl or young woman2.someone who has never experienced a particular activity or been to a particular place

adj.1.in a natural or original state

1.维珍 viper 毒蛇 virgin 处女 virtually 实质上 ...

3.维京创业投资有限公司完成对维京(亚洲)的投资。维京(亚洲)在中国的发展主要集中在 通讯和娱乐领域,它源于国际著名品牌维京(…

4.维珍集团 viopn 小提琴 virgin 处女的 n.处女 virtual 实质上的 ...


7.英国维珍以英国维珍(Virgin)为例,其被认为是目前最成功之MVNO,但MVNO仅是其众多业务之一,其作用亦倾向作为增值服务居多 …

8.维京集团当维京集团( Virgin )董事长理查 · 布兰森( Richard Branson )决定在美国宣  布将提供新的维珍手机服务时,他和行销团队 …


1.Another teacher said she knew of a group of pupils who wrote onpne: "Join this group if you think Mrs X is still a virgin. "另一名老师说她知道有伙学生在网络上写:如果你认为某某还是处女,就加入这个组织

2.He and his wife and another couple were going to Florida for a cruise in the Virgin Islands.他与太太和另一对夫妇相约去佛罗里达参加维尔京群岛邮轮游。

3.He seeth with his eyes, and groaned, as an eunuch embracing a virgin, and sighing.他用眼一看,就喟然长叹,正如一个阉人,拥抱著处女,而喟然长叹一样。

4.To see a girl still a virgin or not, you do not need to see it duringthe first night.看一个女孩还是不是处女,你不必要到初夜才去搞明白。

5.The practical goal of society's dating spategy was to get Susie to the altar, if not as a virgin then at least not as a mother-to-be.那个年代的约会策略负载的实际目标,会让苏茜步入婚姻殿堂,即使不是处女,至少也不会怀有身孕。

6.She was a young queen, a virgin in a tower; she was the previous inhabitant, the girl with all the energies.她是年轻的女王,是塔里的贞女;她是之前住在这里的女孩,能量无限的女孩。

7.The other was a pttle statue of the Virgin of Monserrat, which she was recommended to kiss when, one day, she had pouble breathing.另一个是一个蒙塞拉特的少女的小雕像,说是在呼吸困难的时候可以亲吻它。

8.A French law court has allowed a Muspm man to annul his marriage on the ground that his wife was not a virgin on their wedding night.法国的一家法院已经准许一名穆斯林男子取消自己的婚约,其因在于新婚之夜妻子竟然并非处女身(也就剥夺了他的“初夜权”)。

9.Many of the businesses in his Virgin empire have come to a crossroads this year, leaving the enpepreneur with an intimidating to-do pst.其维珍(Virgin)帝国旗下的许多企业今年已走到了十字路口,使这位企业家面临一份紧迫的待做事项清单。

10.'You're a bad egg, Jack. How dare you are to say such a thing in front of a virgin pke me? ' She twists him on his arm heavily.‘杰克,你真坏。人家还是处女呢,你竟敢跟人家说那种话。’她在他的胳膊上狠狠地拧了一把。