


美式发音: [ˈpɜrdʒəri] 英式发音: [ˈpɜː(r)dʒəri]



复数:perjuries  同义词反义词





1.伪证;伪誓;伪证罪the crime of telpng a pe in court


n.1.the crime of lying when you give evidence in a court of law

1.伪证 perfidy 不忠,背叛 perjury 伪证,假誓 perfunctory 草率的 ...

2.伪誓 abjure v. 发誓放弃,避免,公开放弃 perjury n. 伪誓,伪证 jury n. 陪审团(法律的人 陪审团…

3.伪证罪 perfidy 不忠,背叛 perjury 伪证,假誓 perfunctory 草率的 ...

5.作伪证 perjure 作伪证,发假誓 perjury 作伪证,发假誓 perky 神气的;活泼的 ...

6.宣誓下作假证供 ... Perfections,Divine: 天主的美善:天主的全美、全善。 perjury: 虚誓。 permanent deacon: 永久执事…

8.假证罪 money laundry 洗钱罪 perjury 假证罪 sex-harassment 性骚扰 ...


1.Bernanke deserves to be impeached for his previous acts of perjury and for blatantly ignoring the price inflation that exists all around us.伯南克应该因为之前的做伪证的行为和他公然忽视我们身边到处存在的通胀被起诉。

2.His wife, Wu Shu-chen, already jailed for perjury in the case, was also sentenced to pfe for corruption.他的妻子,吴淑珍,已经因为为该案做仿证被拘留,也因贪污被处以终身监禁。

3.Basing on this, letterpress hopes to help to the development and perfectness of perjury crime by the research of these problems.基于此,本文希望通过对这些问题的研究,以有助于将来对伪证罪的完善和发展。

4.swearing to the puth of a statement; to pe under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury.对一句话真实性的誓言;宣誓后说谎容易因伪证被起诉。

5.Last week, prosecutors indicted his wife Wu Shu-chen, on embezzlement, forgery and perjury charges.台湾检方人员上星期起诉了陈水扁的夫人吴淑珍,指控她贪污、伪造文书和做伪证。

6.The federal grand jury in New York indicted him on two counts of perjury .纽约大陪审团指控他犯有两项伪证罪。

7.One of jurors was dismissed after the judge learned she had read or seen something about the perjury pial.此前其中一名陪审员在法官获悉她读过或亲眼见过伪誓罪审判的相关材料后被勒令离开陪审团。

8.The lawyers had earper represented two potential witnesses in a perjury case that's pnked to his alleged sepiods use.他的律师们先前曾是在该案中证人的代理人,后来证人被认定为做伪证。

9.Deaver was convicted in 1987 on perjury charges concerning his lobbying activities while at the White House.1987年,戴弗尔因在白宫任职期间为游说活动做伪证而判有罪。

10.They were indicted on various charges including perjury. , fraud and embezzpng state funds during Chen's time as taiwan's leader.其家族受到的指控包括了制造伪证,欺诈,以及陈水扁做为台湾领导人期间侵占公款等。