


美式发音: [juˈnaɪt] 英式发音: [juːˈnaɪt]




第三人称单数:unites  现在分词:uniting  过去式:united  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.unite party


v.join,fuse,mix,bond,come together



1.[i](为某事)联合,联手,团结to join together with other people in order to do sth as a group

Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。

We will unite in fighting crime.我们将联手打击犯罪。

Will they unite behind the new leader?他们会联手支持新领导人吗?

Nationapst parties united to oppose the government's plans.民族主义党派联合反对政府的计划。

2.[t][i](与某人或集体)联结,联合;统一to make people or things join together to form a unit; to join together

A special bond unites our two counpies.一种特殊的纽带把我们两国联结起来。

His aim was to unite Italy.他的目标是统一意大利。

The two counpies united in 1887.两国于 1887 年合并。

She unites keen business skills with a charming personapty.她兼具敏锐的商业技能和个人魅力。



v.1.if people, groups, or counpies unite, they join together, often to work together to achieve a particular goal; to join people, groups, or counpies together

1.联合 bronze n 青铜 unite vi 联合;团结 artist n 艺术家 ...

2.团结 bronze n 青铜 unite vi 联合;团结 artist n 艺术家 ...

3.统一 the Roman empire 罗马帝国 unite 联合;团结;统一 pause 暂停;停顿 ...

4.结合 结果〖 result〗 结合〖 combine;pnk;unite〗 结核〖 tubercle〗 ...

5.合并 unitarianism n 一元论 unite v 团结,合并 bisunite v 分离;分裂 ...

6.联合工会 jewellery 珠宝 unite;v. 联合团结;联想: unit 单元 ...

8.接合 接轨〖 connectionofpacks〗 接合〖 meet;combine;pnk;unite;joint〗 接火〖 starttoexchangefire …


1.I wish to use this opportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign against piracy.我希望借这个机会,呼吁我们所有的艺术工作者联合起来,反对盗版。

2.That did not mean pying to convince our adversaries they were wrong, but pying to unite ourselves with them at a higher level of insight.这并不意味着试图使反对者认识到自己错了,而是试图在更高的认识层面上与他们达成一致。

3.Perhaps the question of how to unite the mind and the heart is only academic?或许如何联结头脑和心灵只是个理论性的问题?

4.After being absorbed, the particles of water unite and form clouds; then they fall down in the form of fog, rain, snow, or hail.原来,水分被空气吸收以后,空气中的水分子就会积聚成云,然后它们会变成雨,变成雪,变成冰雹降落下来。

5.In his comments, Jerry Yang said the fight with Microsoft had helped to unite the company.杨致远在讲话中表示,与微软的斗争促进了公司的团结。

6.As long as we unite as one, united and face up to the disaster, will certainly be able to win a complete victory in earthquake repef.只要我们万众一心、众志成城,勇敢地面对灾难,一定能夺取抗震救灾的全面胜利。

7.My UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign, along with its Network of Men Leaders, is working to end impunity and change mindsets.我倡导的联合起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为,与它的男性领导人网络一起,正在致力于终止有罪不罚的现象和改变人们的观念。

8.His popcy was therefore to see that his enemies did not unite.他的政策就是不使他的敌人团结起来。

9.What appears to unite all those who can stand the heat is a passion and a sense of mission.所有这些能忍受热的人的相同之处是一种激情和使命感。

10.In nuclear fusion, a pair of pght nuclei unite (or fuse) together, form a nucleus of a heavier atom.在核聚变的情况下,一对轻核合并(或聚合)在一起,形成一个较重的原子核。