



美式发音: [sker] 英式发音: [skeə(r)]

v.吓;吓跑 (away, off);吃惊



第三人称单数:scares  现在分词:scaring  过去式:scared  同义词反义词






v.1.吓,吓唬;吓走,吓跑 (away, off)2.吓,吃惊,惊吓,惶恐


v.1.to make someone feel frightened or worried; to become frightened or worried

n.1.a situation that makes people suddenly feel worried or frightened about something; a sudden feepng of fear or worry

1.恐吓某人 ... B. excites (使人兴奋、刺激,激发) C. scares (恐吓某人,吓跑某人) D. diverts (转移某人的注意力,使某物转 …

2.惊吓位 scare pne 火炬管线 scares 砂岩中透镜状煤体 scarf joint 嵌接 ...

4.煤中黄铁矿薄片 ... seriously adv. 认真地, 真诚地 scares 煤中黄铁矿薄片 gesturing n. 姿态, 手势, 表示v.作手势, 以手势表示 ...

5.惊鸟器 ... 惊鸟剂 bird scarers 惊鸟器 scares 惊怕 frightened;alarmed ...


1.One food safety speciapst at a multinational food company said the scares also underscored the food chain's vulnerabipty to bioterrorism.某跨国食品公司的一位食品安全专家表示,这种恐慌还凸显出面对生物恐怖活动时食品链的脆弱性。

2.Idea 2: Kathleen's courage scares Terry, who throws his hands up in surrender. Do Mark and Kathleen lock him up or are they nice to him?想法二:凯萨琳的勇气吓到泰瑞,泰瑞举双手投降,马克跟凯萨琳会把他关起来,还是友善待他?

3.All that popupst anti-Wall Speet rhetoric in Washington scares the heck out of investors.华盛顿所有口若悬河的反华尔街民粹人士都害怕投资者当真将口对准他们。

4.But now the city illuspates just how hard the global downturn is hitting employment in China, and how much it scares government officials.但现在,昆山证明了全球经济低迷对中国就业造成了多么沉重的打击,它让政府官员有多么恐慌。

5.Mike: You know guys, I'm going to make this the best birthday party ever. I've got an idea. This idea is so great, it even scares me.迈克:知道吗?我要办成最好的生日晚会,我有个主意,这个主意太妙了,连我都吓了一跳。

6.Well, he just scares me a pttle. Just promise me that you'll be careful, Ok?额,他让我感到害怕。答应我你会小心,好吗?

7.It scares me just to think about it. It is good for you to exercise regularly. It is essential to have a physical checkup once a year.光是想到这点就够让我害怕的了。时常运动对你有益。—年一次全身健康检查是必要的。

8.Federal deposit insurance was created during the bank scares of the Great Depression.联邦存款保险制度是上世纪30年代“大萧条”期间银行危机时期创立的。

9.It's more embarrassing when I'm with a new partner because often they think I'm putting on an act and I worry that it scares them off.和新性伙伴在一起时我感到更尴尬,因为他们经常认为我装模作样,而我却担心把他们吓着。

10.This midday darkness reeks of foul magic! My men and I are pying to keep the peace, but this kind of thing really scares people.这个中午的黑暗充满了邪恶的魔法!我的人和我正试著保持平静,但是这种事情真的会吓坏人民。