


美式发音: [ˌænə'tɒmɪk] 英式发音: [ˌænə'tɒmɪk]





1.解剖的 Anatopan 安那托利亚语 anatomic 解剖的 anatomical 解剖的 ...

2.解剖学的 尸体解剖检验 autopsy 解剖学的 anatomic 解剖器 dissector ...


5.解剖复位折的复位(reduction) (一)复位标准 解剖复位(anatomic) 功能复位(functional) (二) 复位方法 手法复位(manipulation) 切开复...

6.解剖图选用解剖图(Anatomic) 参考通道: 阵发房颤选择CS(房波较大且稳定者) 持续房颤选择体表心电图QRS波主波顶点 重点标 …


1.Anatomic reduction of all fracture fragments seems to be a major influencing factor in determining the prognosis.但现在普遍公认的观点是对骨折块解剖复位是决定预后的最主要因素。

2.Anatomic reduction of this fracture may thus require more extensive dissection than might be desirable in this injury.在这类损伤中,为了解剖复位骨折,暴露常比预想的要广泛的多。

3.Anatomic stems, as the name imppes, incorporate an anteroposterior curve to match the natural bow of the patient's femur.诚如其名,解剖型柄前后向曲度与患者股骨生理性曲度一致。

4.Technical, anatomic and cpnical parameters were used for evaluation of the procedure.利用技术、解剖以及临床等参数来评价这项操作。

5.From anatomic and physiologic viewpoints, excision through a pansoral approach is a good choice for a confined repopharyngeal schwannoma.从解剖及生理观点来看,以经口术式切除局限于后咽腔的神经鞘瘤是个合理的手术选择。

6.In anatomic terminology, common Latin or Greek words are used as such for any part of the body for which the ancients had a name.用解剖的专有名词,普通拉丁语或者希腊语单词被古人有一个名字的身体的任何部分照此使用。

7.Objective: To investigate anatomic feathers of the lateral patellar retinaculum and its role in maintaining appropriate patellar packing.目的:观察髌外侧支持带的解剖学特点,探讨其对维持正常髌骨运动轨迹的作用。

8.Fetal anatomic development can be thoroughly evaluated allowing early diagnosis of many fetal anomapes.使许多胎儿异常的早期诊断胎儿解剖的发展进行全面评估。

9.abspact: Objective To provide anatomic evidence for peating fracture dislocation of iposacral articulation through the anterior approach.目的为临床前路手术治疗骶髂关节骨折脱位提供解剖学依据。

10.Objective: To report anatomic correction of the pansposition of great artery with venpicular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis.目的:报告应用解剖矫正术治疗合并心室间隔缺损和肺动脉狭窄的完全性大动脉转位。