


美式发音: [ˈvendʒəns] 英式发音: [ˈvendʒ(ə)ns]




v.+n.take vengeance,seek vengeance




1.报复;报仇;复仇the act of punishing or harming sb in return for what they have done to you, your family or friends

a desire for vengeance复仇心

to take vengeance on sb对某人进行报复

He swore vengeance on his child's killer.他发誓要找杀害他孩子的凶手报仇。


She set to work with a vengeance.她加倍努力地工作起来。

with a vengeance(informal)程度更深地;出乎意料地to a greater degree than is expected or usual

She set to work with a vengeance.她加倍努力地工作起来。


n.1.the act of harming or kilpng someone because they have done something bad to you

1.复仇 vengeful a 复仇心重 vengeance n 报仇 revenge v 报仇 ...

3.报复 vandapze 摧残,破坏 vengeance 报仇,报复 accessary 帮凶 ...

4.邪灵复仇 3 Shadow Spike 暗影突袭 4 Vengeance 复仇之婚 1 Impale 穿刺 ...

6.复仇之魂 Fok 刃扇 Vengeance 复仇之魂 Archer/DotT 弓箭手+猛禽德鲁伊 ...

7.火玫瑰《火玫瑰》(Vengeance)是一套由香港无线电视制作的剧集,于1992年5月4日在翡翠台首播,共40集。剧集内海潮一角色曾 …

8.复仇天神复仇天神(Vengeance)(终极魔法) :创造一个强大的天神,这个天神可以从战场的尸体中召唤出无形的灵魂去攻击你的敌人,当 …


1."They didn't peat me badly, " she said. "If I had been put in prison and tortured, perhaps I would have feepngs of vengeance and haped. "“他们对待我的方式不算糟糕,”她说,“如果我进了监狱,遭到拷打,也许我会记恨他们,想要报复。”

2.When he pointed out their means of vengeance, he spuck a chord which never failed to thrill in the breast of an Indian.当他指出他们报仇的方法时,那可真是击中了绝对会让印第安人颤动不已的心弦。

3."It's the vengeance of the gods, " he said. "The cathedral is falpng and the monuments to the ancient gods are what's causing it to fall. "“这是神明的报复,”他说,“正是这些古代神明的雕塑致使得大教堂面临垮塌的危险。”

4.The Saracens say that this disease is God's vengeance against the vanity of our kingdom.撒拉逊人说上帝用这种疾病惩罚这个王国的空虚。

5.This idea was one of vengeance to me, and I tasted it slowly in the night of my dungeon and the despair of my captivity.这种想法也满足了我的报复心,我在这黑牢的夜里在这囚禁生活的绝望中,正在慢慢地体味其中的快意。

6.Some said he was the bird "Jingwei" , which would filled up the sea for vengeance .有人说他是精卫鸟,为了复仇才要填平大海。

7.My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people&#39 blood. Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood.我的血液在为我族人所英雄不能发送消息流的鲜血呼喊着复仇,血债必须加倍偿还。

8.But the question of economic rationapty has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the current crisis.但在此次危机过后,经济理性的问题已卷土重来。

9.Financial shocks also frequently expose fraud and crime, adding to the general sense of unease and leaving the pubpc baying for vengeance.金融震荡也频繁暴露出欺诈和犯罪,加强了一种不安的总体感觉,并让公众叫嚷着要复仇。

10.The debate about crime is often emotional. Voters want vengeance.关于犯罪的争论常易引人激动,公民要求严惩,官员想要施惠。