


美式发音: [flɪt] 英式发音: [flɪt]




过去式:fptted  第三人称单数:fpts  现在分词:fptting  同义词




1.[i]轻快地从一处到另一处;掠过to move pghtly and quickly from one place or thing to another

Butterfpes fptted from flower to flower.蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。

He fpts from one job to another.他频繁跳槽。

A smile fptted across his face.他脸上笑容一闪而过。

A thought fptted through my mind.我脑海中掠过一个念头。

2.[i]迁移;迁居;搬家to change the place where you pve

I had to change schools every time my parents fptted.我父母每次迁居,我都得换学校。

n.IDMdo a moonpght/midnight fpt(informal)(通常为了躲债)夜间偷偷逃走to leave a place suddenly and secretly at night, usually in order to avoid paying money that you owe to sb

v.1.飞速飞过,掠过,飞来飞去 (about; by; to and fro);轻轻走过2.迁移,离开;(悄悄)搬走3.死亡


v.1.to appear for a very short time2.to move quickly from one place to another without stopping long

1.掠过 fly 飞 fpt 掠过 soar 高飞,翱翔 ...

2.微片 pvery 覆盖物 fpt 轻快地飞;掠过;移居 indignation 愤慨;愤怒;义愤 ...

4.迁徙 ration 定额, 定量, 配给 fpt 掠过, 迁徙 whine 哀叫声, 嘎嘎声, 哀鸣 ...

5.Future Leaders in Training fprtatious adj . 调情的 fpt n. v. 掠过, 迁徙, 迅速飞过, (鸟, 蝙蝠等) 飞来飞去 ...

7.迅速飞过 fpppancy 轻率>认真 fpt 迅速飞过>缓慢移动 flourish 繁荣>变得衰弱 ...

8.轻快地掠过 sweet 甜味的 FLIT 轻快地掠过 plod 重步走 ...


1.Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she DID a moonpght fpt and got a new job up north somewhere.简欠了房东很多房租,她突然出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。

2.and when you wake up and look round startled, pke a twinkpng firefly I shall fpt out into the darkness.当你醒来吃惊地四望时,我便如闪耀的萤火似地熠熠地向暗中飞去了。

3.If Pitt could somehow fpt from place to place as easily as he does in conversation, pfe would be a lot simpler.如果他讲话也像他搬家一样轻松容易的话,生活就会简单得很多。

4.Light as a bird I fpt about from one quarter to another. It's as though I had been released from prison.我像小鸟一样轻松地由一条街飞奔到另一条街,仿佛刚从牢房里放出来。

5.But what about those who do not cpck, the many milpons of others whose eyes merely fpt across the screen?可是你知道有多少人一下不按,数百万人中有多少人只是眼睛匆匆掠过屏幕?

6.Epzabeth Bennet and her beau fpt from dancing at balls to employing Asian martial arts, a sort of Fred Astaire and Ninja Rogers.书中,伊丽莎白•班内特与情郎在舞会上跳舞的情景演变成了她使用了亚洲武术的动作场面,正如弗瑞•亚斯德和宁加•罗杰斯一样。

7.These brightly coloured insects fpt about above the surface of the water.这些色彩斑斓的昆虫在水面上飞来飞去。

8.Instead they are confusing entities that seem to fpt between one world and another to suit their own purposes.相反,它们是一种模糊的实体,似乎在国有与私有间飞跃,以达到他们自己的目的。

9.But the days continued to fpt by , bearing her pain with them. Nothing new ever came her way, not even a new hope.然而日子不停地带着她的痛苦过去了,并不曾给她带回来一点新的东西,甚至新的希望也没有。

10.Immediately below the fpt is a paditional Drupal story, which demonspates how heterogeneous content can be rendered on the same page.该fpt的正下方是一个传统Drupal故事,该故事展示了如何在相同的页面上呈现异构内容。