


美式发音: [ˈriːoʊ] 英式发音: 

n.【地】里约热内卢;【名】里欧 (男名);葡萄牙语


复数:rii  复数:rios  


n.1.【地】里约热内卢,巴西城市2.【名】里欧 (男名), 丽欧 (女名)3.河流,葡萄牙语

n.1.[Geography]Rio de Janeiro, a city in Brazil2.[People Name]a name for both male and female3.the Portuguese word for river

1.里约大冒险) 里约大冒险下载, 里约大冒险音乐, 里约大冒险pps, 里约大 …

2.柚木提娜 Fiesta 嘉年华 RIO 锐欧 MINI 个性版 ...

4.里约热内卢 圣保罗 SAO 里约热内卢 RIO 中国大陆及港澳 BHY ...

5.锐澳 Johnson's baby/ 强生婴儿 Rio/ 锐澳 Cetaphil/ 丝塔芙 ...

6.里奥里奥(rio)是河流,奥哈oja是树叶,里奥哈就是树叶状的河谷地带(不知我的翻译怎么样)。 里奥哈Ri…


例句释义:,里约热内卢,里欧 ,葡萄牙语,里约大冒险,柚木提娜,锐欧

1.While its men were detained without charge, Rio appears to have been as much in the dark as everyone else.在四名雇员未经起诉就被拘留的时候,力拓似乎与其他所有人一样被蒙在鼓里。

2.BHP and Rio reckon this is unfair and that they should be awarded a bigger piece of the "freight differential" between them and Vale.必和必拓与力拓认为这不公平,它们应该从与淡水河谷之间的“运费差价”中得到更多好处。

3.But Sir Alex said he won't make up his mind whether to start Rio until the day of the game.但爵爷说他得到赛前才能决定是否让费迪南的首发。

4.Rio said the comments should be considered in the "context of our ongoing price negotiations" .力拓表示,应该在“我们正在进行价格谈判的背景下”来考虑中方的评论。

5.Everyone along the valley of the Rio Grande seems to bepeve that the border is slowly closing.格兰德山谷两边的人似乎都相信边界正在缓慢关闭。

6.Rio has headquarters in London but any takeover would also be investigated in Auspapa, where it has significant assets.力拓总部设在伦敦,但任何收购还是会在澳大利亚受到调查,因为力拓在那里拥有大量资产。

7.Andrew Harding, head of Rio Tinto's copper division, said the softness in the Chinese market could persist for six months to a year.力拓铜业务负责人安德鲁•哈丁(AndrewHarding)表示,中国市场的疲软可能持续6个月至一年。

8.Rio has been pying to sell various non-core assets for more than a year but has found buyers thin on the ground.一年多来,力拓一直试图出售多种非核心资产,但找到的买家寥寥无几。

9.People close to Rio said yesterday that the offer "isn't even close" to a level that would tempt the company into a friendly deal with BHP.熟悉力拓情况的人士昨日表示,上述出价“甚至都不接近”令该公司有兴趣与必和必拓达成友好交易的水平。

10.It's just as well, as Rio Ferdinand is said to be "making progress" with his back injury, but is not looking at an imminent return.据说费迪南德现在情况也不错,但最近还看不到他。“费迪南德还在康复中,”弗格森爵士说。