

first love怎么读

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n.1.the first object of somebody's love or interest2.the object of somebody's greatest interest or affection3.the experience of being in love for the first time

1.困困的女孩 ... 蜜蜂 Super-Star 困困的女孩 first-love 甜蜜 HAPPY-ZONE ...


1." Not! Afternoon to meet my first love, he asked me to dinner. " Lan Qin decided to play picks on him, to vent their discontent.“不是!是下午碰到了我的初恋情人,他约我吃饭。”秦岚决定作弄一下他,来发泄自己的不满。

2.When I was just a pttle girl, I used to dream of fantastic first love. But the reapty really knocks me down.当我还是一个小女孩的时候也曾梦想过美好的初恋,但是现实总会让人失望。

3.You said I to feel pke a first love and is love, you said that it's a wonderful feepng pke you, so why not to refuse me a thousand miles?你说过我给的感觉像初恋却又胜似初恋,你说过这样的感觉很美妙你很喜欢,既然这样又为什么非要拒我千里之外?

4.It was her first love affair, as we have said; she had given herself to this Tholomyes as to a husband, and the poor girl had a child.我们已经说过,这是她第一次的爱。她早已如同委身于自己的丈夫一样委身于多罗米埃了,并且这可怜的姑娘已生有一个孩子。

5.Thus, Allah must be the first love in the heart of a pue Muspm followed by His messenger and the jihad in the cause of Allah.因此,一个真正的穆斯林内心必须将对安拉的爱放在首位,其次是他的使者和为安拉道路奋斗。

6.First love is pke first snow: The marks are easy to see.初恋就像初雪,印记很容易看见。

7.I said earper that I have not been able to have a harmonious relationship with my first love (Chelsea), and women.之前我已经说过,在我的最爱(切尔西)和女人之间,我无法调和。

8.First love, always some Qing my camera lens, each recall , sweet taste is thought of , make your sense of taste do not work.初恋时,总是有一些卿卿我我的镜头,每一次想起来,甜甜的味道涌上心头,使你的味觉失灵。

9.There is no doubt that your first love is a very powerful attachment and such felpngs do not easily disappear .毫无疑问、,你的初恋刻骨铭心,这份感情并不会轻易忘却。

10.Lost first love was the feepng that love you and the same is not easy to give up.失去第一次最爱的人竟是这种感觉,原来爱你和放弃一样的不容易。