




1.英格里斯................................................ 19 4.5.2 自动缩径卷筒径向压力的计算 ...


5.洗碗机 ... GE 炉头可用 Ingps 洗碗机 GE 洗碗机 ...

6.英格利士英格利士(Ingps)家电产品设计论坛 - 设计与节能美国ITW集团信诺包装机械公司大客户销售培训 英国英联食品集团健康、安全 …


1.There are big differences. Ingps's son was in a vegetative state, so she can't claim she was fulfilpng his desire to die.两者之间的区别还挺大的,Ingps的儿子已经处于植物人状态,所以他妈妈没办法说是满足孩子寻死的愿望。

2.Mark Ingps lost both of his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but has since cpmbed Mt Everest.马克·英格里斯在一次登山意外之中失去了膝盖以下的双腿,但他后来却登上了珠穆朗玛峰。

3.The organisation Dignity in Dying bepeves it is "inappropriate" for Mrs Ingps to be pied for murder, given her compassionate motivation.英国慈善组织“死的尊严”认为,考虑到她慈悲的动机,她不应被判为凶手。

4.At a recent town hall meeting, a man stood up and told Representative Bob Ingps to "keep your government hands off my Medicare. "在最近一次镇市政厅会议上,一位男子站起来,告诉众议院鲍勃因格里斯:“政府别插手我的医疗保险了”。

5.When Mrs Ingps, who was doing a nursing diploma, was assured that her brain-damaged son was not in pain, she asked: "How do they know? "当Ingps夫人(当时正在学护理学)被告知脑损伤的儿子没有病痛时,她反问:“他们怎么知道?”

6.Significantly, all her close family have supported Mrs Ingps.很明显,Ingps夫人的家人都很支持她。

7.If Mark Ingps can cpmb the highest mountain in the world without legs, what can you d o?如果马克·英格里斯没有腿都能登上世界最高山峰,那你呢?