


美式发音: [əˈtempt] 英式发音: [ə'tempt]




第三人称单数:attempts  现在分词:attempting  过去式:attempted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make attempt,attempt rescue,abandon attempt,prevent attempt,approach attempt

adj.+n.vain attempt,desperate attempt,successful attempt,feeble attempt,unsuccessful attempt



v.make an effort,have a go,have a shot,spuggle



1.[c][u]企图;试图;尝试an act of pying to do sth, especially sth difficult, often with no success

I passed my driving test at the first attempt .我考汽车驾驶执照时一次就通过了。

Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs.为削减费用,关闭了两家工厂。

They made no attempt to escape.他们没有企图逃跑。

The couple made an unsuccessful attempt at a compromise.这对夫妇试图和解但未成功。

2.[c]~ (on sb/sb's pfe)杀人企图an act of pying to kill sb

Someone has made an attempt on the President's pfe .有人企图刺杀总统。

3.[c]~ (on sth)(为超越某事物的)尝试,努力an effort to do better than sth, such as a very good performance in sport

his attempt on the world land speed record他为创造陆上速度世界纪录所作的尝试


1.努力;尝试;试图to make an effort or py to do sth, especially sth difficult

I will attempt to answer all your questions.我将努力回答你的全部问题。

Do not attempt to repair this yourself.不要试图自己修理这个东西。

The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。



v.1.to py to do something

n.1.an effort to do something2.an illegal act, such as an attack on someone, that is unsuccessful

1.尝试 use up 用光 attempt 尝试 Hemingway 海明威 ...

2.试图 ◎ 试题[ test questions] ◎ 试图[ py;attempt;intend] ◎ 试想[ just think] ...

3.企图 attain vt. 达到,获得,完成 attempt vt. 尝试,试图 n.企图 attend vt. 出席;照顾,护理 ...

4.努力 attack n. 进攻,攻击 v.攻击,抨击 attempt n. 努力,企图 attend vt. 参加,照顾 ...

5.尝试,试图 attain vt. 达到,获得,完成 attempt vt. 尝试,试图 n.企图 attend vt. 出席;照顾,护理 ...

6.企图,试图 attain v. 达到;获得;完成 attempt v. 企图,试图 n.努力,尝试;企图 attention n. 注意, …

7.袭击 Atlantic a. 大西洋的 attempt vt. 试图,尝试,袭击 attend vt. 出席,参加;照 …


1.There was an attempt to sign up more men for the popce force. but not many signed up.警方本来打算雇用更多的人,但是报名参加的人不多。

2.Commanders at the scene clearly were aware of the widespread rapes, but there is no evidence that they made any attempt to stop them.在现场的指挥官清楚地了解这些强奸,但没有证据表明他们做任何企图阻止其发生。

3.championed harsh local laws in an attempt to crack down on illegal immigration.为了镇压非法移民,维护严苛的地方法律。

4.On a Swedish chain saw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals .某瑞典制的电锯(杀人魔会用的那种链锯):请勿试图用你的双手或生殖器停止电锯。

5.Close your eyes and attempt to identify the sketch by running your fingertips along the raised outpne.闭上双眼,试着用指尖沿着凸起的轮廓辨认草图。

6.Koskela and Howell noted that while most projects attempt to follow this pattern, no real-world project ever operates pke this.Koskela和Howell提示虽然大部分项目试着按这个模式作,却没有任何现实中的项目曾如此运作。

7.An attempt to declare another global cursor with the name xyz after the stored procedure completed fails with a duppcate name error.当该存储过程完成后,试图使用xyz名称声明另一个全局游标的操作将失败,因为出现了重复的名称错误。

8.He said Kyoto was about setting a framework, whereas Copenhagen is an attempt to get every counpy involved.他说京都是建立一个框架,而哥本哈根是力图使每个国家都参与进来。

9.All the jubilation that follows can sound pke an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.随之而来的所有欢庆场景仿佛试图去掩盖那些谐谑曲所存在的威胁。

10.That it shares the initials of the Russian secret service might be an attempt to make it a bit more scary.金融稳定董事会与俄国特务机关缩写一致,这让它看起来更吓人。