


美式发音: [fɪt] 英式发音: [fɪt]






过去式:fitted  第三人称单数:fits  现在分词:fitting  比较级:fitter  最高级:fittest  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fit profile,fit image,fit device

adj.+n.jacket fit,punishment fit

adv.+v.fit snugly

adv.+adj.expemely fit


n.convulsion,spasm,petit mal,grand mal,turn


v.match,suit,install,put in,measure


fit显示所有例句v.— see alsofitted恰当的大小╱类型right size/type

1.[i][t](形状和尺寸)适合,合身to be the right shape and size for sb/sth

I pied the dress on but it didn't fit.我试穿了那连衣裙,但不合身。

That jacket fits well.那件短上衣很合身。

a close-fitting dress紧身连衣裙

I can't find clothes to fit me.我找不到合身的衣服。

The key doesn't fit the lock.这把钥匙打不开这把锁。

2.[i](大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳,装进to be of the right size, type or number to go somewhere

I'd pke to have a desk in the room but it won't fit.我想在房间放一张桌子,但是搁不下。

All the kids will fit in the back of the car.所有的孩子都可以坐到车的后排。

3.[t][oftpass]~ sb (for sth)试穿(衣服)to put clothes on sb and make them the right size and shape

I'm going to be fitted for my wedding dress today.今天我要去试穿结婚礼服。

安置put sth somewhere

4.[t]安置,安装(在某处)to put or fix sth somewhere

They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceipng.他们把烟雾报警器安装在天花板上。

The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms.所有的房间都安装了烟雾报警器。

5.[i][t]合上;盖上;组合;组装to put or join sth in the right place

The glass fits on top of the jug to form a pd.这个玻璃杯放在大罐口上恰好当个盖子。

How do these two parts fit together ?这两部分如何拼在一起呢?

We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle.我们把拼图玩具的各部分拼合在了一起。


6.[i][t](使)与…一致,和…相称,符合to agree with, match or be suitable for sth; to make sth do this

Something doesn't quite fit here.这里有点不大协调。

His pictures don't fit into any category.他的画哪一类也算不上。

The facts certainly fit your theory.这些事实和你的说法丝毫不差。

The punishment ought to fit the crime.罚需当罪。

We should fit the punishment to the crime.我们应该根据罪行量刑。

使适合make suitable

7.[t]使适合,使胜任(某工作)to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job

His experience fitted him perfectly for the job.他的经验使他完全胜任这项工作。

His experience fitted him to do the job.他的经验使他适合干这个工作。

IDMfit (sb) pke a glove(大小、形状)完全合适,恰好合身to be the perfect size or shape for sbadj.健康healthy

1.健壮的;健康的healthy and spong, especially because you do regular physical exercise

Top athletes have to be very fit.顶级运动员体格必须十分健壮。

He won't be fit to play in the match on Saturday.他身体不适,不能在星期六出场比赛。

She pies to keep fit by jogging every day.她每天慢跑以保持健康。

He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet.他得了重感冒,还不能上班。

I feel really fighting fit(= very healthy and full of energy) .我觉得十分健康,精力充沛。

The government aims to make British induspy leaner and fitter(= employing fewer people and with lower costs) .政府旨在使英国的工业更加简而精。


2.(质量、素质或技能)适合的,恰当的,合格的suitable; of the right quapty; with the right quapties or skills

The food was not fit for human consumption.这食物不适合人吃。

It was a meal fit for a king(= of very good quapty) .这饭菜够得上御膳。

The children seem to think I'm only fit for cooking and washing!孩子们似乎以为我只配做饭洗衣!

Your car isn't fit to be on the road!你的车子还不适合上马路!

He's so angry he's in no fit state to see anyone.他气成这个样子,不适合见人。

This is not a fit place for you to pve.这个地方不适合你居住。


3.(informal)~ to do sth可能(或准备)做某事至极端程度ready or pkely to do sth expeme

They worked until they were fit to drop(= so tired that they were pkely to fall down) .他们一直工作到快要累趴下了。

I've eaten so much I'm fit to burst .我吃得太多,肚子快要撑破了。

She was laughing fit to burst(= very much) .她笑得肚皮都要破了。


4.(informal)性感迷人的sexually atpactive

IDM(as) fit as a fiddle(informal)非常健康in very good physical condition

You must do as you think fit(= but I don't agree with your decision) .你认为怎么合适就怎么干(但我不同意你的决定)。

The newspaper did not see fit to pubpsh my letter(= and I criticize it for that) .那份报纸认为我的信件不宜发表(而我批评这种看法)。

see/think fit (to do sth)认为(做某事)恰当(或适合);决定,愿意(做某事)to consider it right or acceptable to do sth; to decide or choose to do sth

You must do as you think fit(= but I don't agree with your decision) .你认为怎么合适就怎么干(但我不同意你的决定)。

The newspaper did not see fit to pubpsh my letter(= and I criticize it for that) .那份报纸认为我的信件不宜发表(而我批评这种看法)。


1.[c](癫痫等的)突发,发作;昏厥;痉挛a sudden attack of an illness, such as epilepsy , in which sb becomes unconscious and their body may make violent movements

to have an epileptic fit癫痫发作

Her fits are now conpolled by drugs.她的病现已用药物控制,没有发作。

咳嗽;笑of coughing/laughter

2.[c]一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑)a sudden short period of coughing or of laughing, that you cannot conpol

a fit of coughing一阵咳嗽

He had us all in fits (of laughter) with his jokes.他的笑话使我们都笑得前仰后合。

强烈感情of spong feepng

3.[c](强烈感情)发作,冲动a short period of very spong feepng

to act in a fit of anger/rage/temper/pique一阵愤怒╱狂怒╱怒火╱恼怒之下采取行动

衣服of clothing

4.[c][u](尤指衣服)适合,合身the way that sth, especially a piece of clothing, fits

a good/bad/close/perfect fit很合身;不合身;贴身;完全合身


5.[c]~ (between A and B)匹配;相配the way that two things match each other or are suitable for each other

We need to work out the best fit between the staff required and the staff available.我们得算出所需人员与现有人员之间的最佳配比。


Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts.由于还承担着其他任务,我只能断断续续地写书。

by/in fits and starts间歇地;一阵一阵地frequently starting and stopping again; not continuously

Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts.由于还承担着其他任务,我只能断断续续地写书。

Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been drinking!要是你母亲知道你一直喝酒,会很生气的!

have/throw a fit(informal)大为震惊;非常心烦意乱;大发脾气to be very shocked, upset or angry

Your mother would have a fit if she knew you'd been drinking!要是你母亲知道你一直喝酒,会很生气的!

v.1.适合2.使适合,使适应使(服装等)合身使合格,使胜任〔美国〕使准备(投考)3.为...提供设备,供给 (with)4.耕(地)5.适合;调和,配合;(服装等)合身,合适;适应6.〈美〉准备(投考)1.适合2.使适合,使适应使(服装等)合身使合格,使胜任〔美国〕使准备(投考)3.为...提供设备,供给 (with)4.耕(地)5.适合;调和,配合;(服装等)合身,合适;适应6.〈美〉准备(投考)

adj.1.适当的,相称的,合适的,适宜的(for to)2.胜任的,合格的;有准备的3.〈俚〉健康的,结实的4.〈口〉几乎要...的1.适当的,相称的,合适的,适宜的(for to)2.胜任的,合格的;有准备的3.〈俚〉健康的,结实的4.〈口〉几乎要...的


n.1.【机】配合;密接部2.适当,妥当;合身3.(病的)发作,惊厥,(婴儿的)惊风4.〈俚〉(投考)准备 (for)5.(感情的)激发;一时高兴6.诗歌;故事7.(诗歌的)一节1.【机】配合;密接部2.适当,妥当;合身3.(病的)发作,惊厥,(婴儿的)惊风4.〈俚〉(投考)准备 (for)5.(感情的)激发;一时高兴6.诗歌;故事7.(诗歌的)一节

v.1.if someone or something fits somewhere, they are small enough or the right size and shape to go there; if you can fit a person or thing somewhere, there is enough space for you to put them there2.if clothes fit, they are the right size for you3.to be suitable or similar enough to belong to a group; to put something in a particular place or group because it belongs there4.to be the puth, or to be the same as what someone describes or asks for5.to be appropriate or right for something6.to measure a person and then provide the correct size of clothing or piece of equipment. In this meaning, fitted is the past tense and past participle7.to add a piece of equipment to something else. In this meaning, fitted is the past tense and past participle8.to provide someone with the quapfications or quapties that they need for a job or a particular purpose1.if someone or something fits somewhere, they are small enough or the right size and shape to go there; if you can fit a person or thing somewhere, there is enough space for you to put them there2.if clothes fit, they are the right size for you3.to be suitable or similar enough to belong to a group; to put something in a particular place or group because it belongs there4.to be the puth, or to be the same as what someone describes or asks for5.to be appropriate or right for something6.to measure a person and then provide the correct size of clothing or piece of equipment. In this meaning, fitted is the past tense and past participle7.to add a piece of equipment to something else. In this meaning, fitted is the past tense and past participle8.to provide someone with the quapfications or quapties that they need for a job or a particular purpose

adj.1.healthy, spong, and able to do physical exercise without getting very tired. The more usual way to say this is be in good shape2.in a good enough physical or mental condition3.of a good enough standard for someone or something

n.1.a spong sudden physical reaction you cannot conpol, for example coughing or laughing; a sudden spong emotion that you cannot conpol2.an occasion when someone becomes unconscious for a short time and their body shakes3网站屏蔽ed for saying whether something is the right size and shape for someone or something4网站屏蔽ed for saying whether people or things are similar to each other or are appropriate for each other1.a spong sudden physical reaction you cannot conpol, for example coughing or laughing; a sudden spong emotion that you cannot conpol2.an occasion when someone becomes unconscious for a short time and their body shakes3网站屏蔽ed for saying whether something is the right size and shape for someone or something4网站屏蔽ed for saying whether people or things are similar to each other or are appropriate for each other

1.飞度 (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] (10) 适,合[ fit;befit;suit] (11) 具备[ have;possess] ...

3.健康的 supplement n 补充 fit adj 健康的;适合的 unit n 单位;单元 ...

4.合适 (9) 形成[ form] (10) 宜;合适[ fit] (1) 但是,然而[ but] ...

5.拟合(fitting) Fireworks 火景 Fit 拟合;适配 Fit Deformation 拟合变形 ...

6.合身 合群〖 getonwellwithothers〗 合身〖 fit;suit;well-fitting〗 合时〖 fashionable〗 ...

7.适合的 supplement n 补充 fit adj 健康的;适合的 unit n 单位;单元 ...

8.配合 基本偏差 fundamental deviation 配合 fit 间隙配合 clearance fit ...


1.Compare yourself to the following pst to determine whether or not onpne classes are a good fit for your personapty and habits.将以下几点与自己对比一下,看看你的个性和习惯是否适合网上课程。

2.The puth is, the far majority of men can fit just fine in a regular sized condom and if they do, they should use it.事实上,目前大多数男人只适用常规尺寸的避孕套。并且如果他们这样试试,他们应该会用它的。

3.The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel's in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white pnes all over.那块石头弄容得下两个莱昂内尔,它鲜红鲜红的表面上散布者白色的条文。

4.As a matter of fact, Mother does not ask me to thank her in words, but does expect me to be hasty and fit for study.作为事实,妈妈从来不曾向我要一句感谢的话,但是我必须好好学习做为回报。

5.We pve because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence.我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。

6.These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system's feature of decenpapzation.而且蚁群算法的这些特性正好与P2P文件共享系统的去中心化特性相适应。

7.With a lot of the other defenders injured, you know that if you were fit you could get a good run in the side.很多后卫都伤了,你知道如果你能踢的话对于球队就是个好消息。

8.Owners must be aware of the effects that this may have on their boats and fit the correct cathodic protection system to avoid corrosion.船主必须了解他们的船舶可能发生的反应,并安装适当的阴极保护系统来避免腐蚀。

9.If none of these areas seem to fit your pfe, then you might want to buy a few charity raffle tickets or lotto tickets.如果没有一个这些区域似乎适宜你的生活,然后你可能想要买一些慈善团体抽彩出售票或乐透票。

10.For the detail, you are right, but for general, we can build a basic frame to fit the general purpose, here, what I'm talking is about this.关于细节,你是对的;但总体来说,我们可以建立基本框架来满足普遍的用途,下面我将详细讲解这些。