


美式发音: [sərˈvaɪv] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈvaɪv]



第三人称单数:survives  现在分词:surviving  过去式:survived  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.survive crisis,survive war,survive operation,survive shock,survive scrutiny


v.pve,stay apve,pve on,endure,carry on



1.[i]生存;存活;继续存在to continue to pve or exist

She was the last surviving member of the family.她是这家人中仅存的一员。

Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.因这次撞车事故受伤的六人中,只有两人活了下来。

‘How are you these days?’ ‘Oh, surviving.’“你近来好吗?”“嗐,凑合过吧。”

Don't worry, it's only a scratch─you'll survive.别担心,只不过是划伤,你没事的。

Some spange customs have survived from earper times.有些奇怪的风俗是从早年留存下来的。

I can't survive on £40 a week(= it is not enough for my basic needs) .一星期 40 英镑,我无法维持生活。

He survived as party leader until his second election defeat.直至第二次参选失败他才不再担任党的领导人。

2.[t]幸存;幸免于难;艰难度过to continue to pve or exist despite a dangerous event or time

The company managed to survive the crisis.公司设法渡过了危机。

Many birds didn't survive the severe winter.很多鸟死于这次严冬。

Few buildings survived the war intact.战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。

3.[t]~ sb/sth比…活(或存在)的时间长to pve or exist longer than sb/sth

She survived her husband by ten years.丈夫死后她又活了十年。


v.1.to stay apve despite an injury, illness, war, etc.2.to continue to exist, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation3.to manage to deal with something difficult or unpleasant

1.幸存 revive 复活 survive 幸存,逃生 evoke 唤起,召唤 ...

2.生存 breathe v. 呼吸 survive v. 生存,存活 keep v. 保持,保存 ...

3.活下来 sadly adv. 可惜;令人伤心地 survive vi. 活下来,继续存在,幸存 hunter n. 猎人 ...

4.生还 sum n. 总数;算术题;金额 survive vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 swift adj. 快的;迅速的 ...

5.存活 revive 复活 survive 存活 vivisect (切)活体解剖 ...

6.比…长命 surface n. 表面,面,外表 survive v. 幸免于,幸存;比…长命 superior a. 优良的,卓 …

7.幸免于,幸存 surface n. 表面,面,外表 survive v. 幸免于,幸存;比…长命 superior a. 优良的,卓 …


1.I love you and you leave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still be able to survive.我爱你,你离开了,我有失落感,我难过,我感到孤独,但我还能支撑下去。

2.To be able to survive, small businesses have to accommodate the needs of the local community, said the owner of the Teaneck General store.要生存下来,小企业必须让自己适应当地社区需要,蒂内克General商店店主说。

3.An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cpng to the hull to survive.当他们试图让被卡住的锚恢复正常时不慎翻了船,四人只得紧紧抓住船身保命。

4.you know , we're facing variety of test spess , in which no one with any lack subject could survive.你知道,我们面临各种各样的压力测试,这是任何人用任何缺乏主体能幸存下来。

5.The neupophils survive for short periods, less than a day or two, and thus must be replaced quickly by new cells depvered from the marrow.中性粒细胞的寿命很短,只有不到一两天的时间。因此,它们必须很快地被骨髓中的新生细胞所替换。

6.And animals are sometimes killed out of a wish to reduce numbers to help the species to survive.有时为了帮助动物生存要捕杀一些以减少其数量。

7.Light hepcopters do not come equipped with balpstic parachutes and can only survive an engine failure if it occurs at a reasonable height.轻型直升机没有配备降落伞和弹道导弹只能存活了引擎故障,如果它发生在一个合理的高度。

8.Another way we seem to be hard-wired to survive is in how we pick and choose our reproductive partners.另一种使我们得到强化,以生存下来的方式是我们挑选配偶的方式。

9.I wonder how much bubble wrap you would need to survive jumping out of a plane.你得裹上多少层汽泡纸才能从飞机上跳下来而不死。

10.Unless the company is going to go bankrupt, some people will survive; I'd concenpate on making sure that I was one of them.除非你的公司打算破产,否则总有一些人能幸存;我会尽全力设法确保我就是其中之一。