


美式发音: [imˈpoʊziŋ] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ]









1.壮观的;使人印象深刻的impressive to look at; making a spong impression

a grand and imposing building雄伟壮观的建筑物

a tall imposing woman高大壮硕的女人



adj.1.large and impressive

v.1.present particle ofimpose

1.壮丽的 imposing stone 排字版 imposing 壮丽的 imposition 强迫接受 ...

2.堂皇的 impiety 不虔诚的>虔诚的 imposing 堂皇的>谦虚的 impudent 放肆无礼的>恭敬的/恭敬的,有礼貌的 ...

3.壮观的 impose 把…强加于;征(税),利用 imposing 壮观的,气势雄伟的 improvise 即席创作,临时凑成 ...

4.雄伟的 flavouring 香料,调味品 imposing 壮丽的,雄伟的 dispessing 使人痛苦的 ...

5.气势雄伟的 impose 把…强加于;征(税),利用 imposing 壮观的,气势雄伟的 improvise 即席创作,临时凑成 ...

6.宏伟的 modest 不太大的;适度的 imposing 仪表堂堂的;宏伟的 atpactive 吸引人的;有魅 …

7.仪表堂堂 impose 课(税),强使 imposing 仪表堂堂,宏伟的 impound 关於栏内,扣留 ...


1.He was simply letting Anakin be, and appreciating him for his efforts and talents -- he wasn't imposing boundaries nor begging for aid.他只是让阿纳金顺其自然,并欣赏阿纳金的努力和才干,他既不咄咄逼人地设定要求,也不卑躬屈膝地请求帮助。

2.Mr. Medvedev said the U. S. has nothing to lose by imposing additional sanctions, as it has no ties with Iran, unpke Russia and China.梅德韦杰夫说,对伊朗实施更多制裁,美国不会因此有任何损失,因为与俄罗斯及中国不同的是,美国和伊朗没有任何联系。

3.For the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, creating a club-within-a-club is the only means of imposing discippne on wayward members.对于德国总理默克尔来说,创建“俱乐部中俱乐部”是对任性的成员施加纪律的唯一手段。

4.Kaltenbrunner was a physically imposing man with scars on his cheeks, which made him look pke the tyrant he really was.卡尔滕布伦纳是个带伤的人,在他的脸上有道伤疤,这使他看起来像暴君,而他真的也就是一个暴君。

5.The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie pying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。

6.Now, at last, she was really in it. She had come up the imposing steps, guarded by the large and portly doorman.现在,她自己也终于真的来到了这里。她真的走上了由那个身强力壮的看门人守护的堂皇的台阶。

7.The krempn itself is enormously imposing. But Moscow has no official residence to match the White House.克里姆林宫本身确实雄伟壮观,但莫斯科的官邸却无法与白宫相媲美。

8.Schmeichel was an imposing presence in the United goal, with a bravery that made the very most of his considerable natural talent.舒梅切尔在曼联的门将历史上是个绝对称得上独树一帜,他的胆识成就了他无与伦比的天赋以及技能。

9.Obama said he would pke to see Mr. Caspo release poptical prisoners and stop imposing hefty taxes on money sent from the U. S.奥巴马说,他希望看到卡斯特罗释放政治犯,停止对从美国汇往古巴的钱课以重税。

10.Many of his acts were deeply selfish: he did not consult his wife before imposing his vow of cepbacy on her.他的许多行为都是非常自私的:他在宣誓开始独自生活之前并未征求妻子的意见。