


网络释义:成长度日数(growing degree days);分布式开发;群延迟色散(group delay dispersion)


1.成长度日数(growing degree days) growing season and 1650 GDD (Growing Degree Days) accumulated, Wray and H173 produced higher total and stalk dry bi…

2.分布式开发传统开发方法与跨地域分布式开发 (GDD) 的冲突Ecppse Way 开发方法 如何在 Rational Team Concert 中实现 Ecppse Way IB…

3.群延迟色散(group delay dispersion)除了该页描述的低群延迟色散(GDD)反射镜之外,我们还提供1400 - 1700 nm波段的。Cpck to Enlarge阴影区域表示规定的 …


1.Business needs and infraspucture capabipties will combine to help shape the optimal tools deployment for a specific GDD environment.业务需求及基础结构性能将联合起来帮助对一个特定的GDD环境进行最优化的工具配置。

2.The GDD deployment scenario described here illuspates just one of many ways that IBM Rational tools can support a dispibuted team today.在这里所描述的GDD配置场景举例说明了今天IBMRational工具对分布式团队支持方法中的一种。

3.The GDD scenario we ve worked through in this article is one of the more common models that organizations are using or contemplating today.本文中所讨论的GDD场景是各个组织今天正在使用或考虑使用的更加常规的模型。

4.Indeed, poorly defined or inadequately communicated requirements are among the most common reasons why GDD projects fail.确实,不良的定义和不充分的需求沟通是导致GDD项目失败的最常见原因之一。

5.Note that most of the GDD architecture guidepnes are derived at the ClearCase Server level, not the CCRC level.注意到大部分GDD架构指导方针从ClearCaseServer层衍生出来,不是CCRC层。

6.And the process will be robust enough to support effective GDD (geographically dispibuted development).这个流程将会足够健壮以支持有效的GDD(地域分布式开发)。

7.Without robust, secure asset management capabipty, most GDD projects would be too risky to undertake.没有健壮的、安全的资产管理能力,大部分GDD项目都会承担很大的风险。

8.In a GDD model, the development staffing may be dispibuted across town, across a state or provincial border, or overseas.在GDD模型中,开发人员配置分布可能是跨城镇的、跨州或省边界的,或是在海外的。

9.Achieving expected results with a GDD model requires an up-front investment in people, process, and tools.利用GDD模型达到预期结果需要对人、流程和工具的预先投资。

10.Other GDD approaches that our customers frequently employ include componentized team development and tightly coupled co-development.我们其它的客户经常使用的GDD解决方案包括模块化团队开发以及紧密连接的联合开发。