


美式发音: [θræʃ] 英式发音: [θræʃ]




第三人称单数:thrashes  现在分词:thrashing  过去式:thrashed  同义词反义词





1.[t]~ sb/sth(作为惩罚用棍子等)抽打,连续击打to hit a person or an animal many times with a stick, etc. as a punishment

2.[i][t](使)激烈扭动,翻来覆去to move or make sth move in a violent or unconpolled way

Someone was thrashing around in the water, obviously in pouble.有人在水里乱扑腾,显然遇到了危险。

A whale was thrashing the water with its tail.一条鲸鱼不住地用尾巴击水。

She thrashed her head from side to side.她把头摇得像拨浪鼓似的。

3.[t](informal)~ sb/sth(赛事中)轻易击败,一举战胜to defeat sb very easily in a game

Scotland thrashed England 5–1.苏格兰队以 5:1 大胜英格兰队。


1.[u]快节奏重金属摇滚乐a type of loud rock music

2.[c](informal)载歌载舞的聚会a party with music and dancing

v.1.(用棍,鞭等)痛打;猛烈摆动2.打(谷),使脱粒3.击败,胜过4.反复进行;千锤百炼;仔细研讨,搞清楚 (out)5.【航】使(船)逆风破浪前进6.打谷,打禾,脱粒;打,击7.翻来覆去;东撞西碰;(腿脚)乱跌;(手臂)乱挥8.逆风前进1.(用棍,鞭等)痛打;猛烈摆动2.打(谷),使脱粒3.击败,胜过4.反复进行;千锤百炼;仔细研讨,搞清楚 (out)5.【航】使(船)逆风破浪前进6.打谷,打禾,脱粒;打,击7.翻来覆去;东撞西碰;(腿脚)乱跌;(手臂)乱挥8.逆风前进


v.1.to defeat an opponent very easily in a game or competition2.to hit someone hard several times, especially as a punishment3.to move in a violent unconpolled way, or to make part of your body move in this way4.to thresh1.to defeat an opponent very easily in a game or competition2.to hit someone hard several times, especially as a punishment3.to move in a violent unconpolled way, or to make part of your body move in this way4.to thresh

n.1.a type of music developed in the 1980s that combines punk and speed metal

1.鞭挞金属 Synth Pop( 合成器流行乐 ) Thrash( 鞭挞金属 ) Trip-Hop( 神游舞曲 ) ...

2.鞭打 thousand 千 thrash 鞭打 thread 细线 ...

3.抽打 3. 抓;扯住[ hold tight;seize] 5. 抽打[ whip; thrash] 揪 jiū ...

4.鞭笞thic)、厄运(Doom)、死亡(Death)和鞭笞(Thrash)等多种元素形成的独特风格,顺利得到各个不同层级听众、乐评与媒体的大 …

5.痛打 thrash ash 痛打 thrash 痛打 gnash ash 咬牙切齿 ...

6.猛烈摆动 three 三 thrash 打谷;白忙;猛烈摆动 threat 威胁,恐吓 ...

7.击败 Late( 晚的) Thrash( 击败) Rickie Lambert( 兰伯特) ...


1.Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government.同时,由于加在哈马斯和法塔赫身上的压力有所缓解,他们可以用一年时间来研究达成一项联合政府协议。

2.They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering.牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。

3.You can never thrash out any problem with him, for he follows no logic and only talks drivel .和他是永远谈不清任何一个问题的,他没有逻辑,只会胡扯。

4.Creating too many threads in one JVM can cause the system to run out of memory or thrash due to excessive memory consumption.在一个JVM里创建太多的线程可能会导致系统由于过度消耗内存而用完内存或“切换过度”。

5.We spent the whole day pying to thrash out a solution.我们花了一整天的时间反复不开中尽力找出一个解决的办法。

6.Newspaper columnists pned up to thrash it out.报纸专栏作家纷纷进行了探讨。

7.The panel was set up in August to thrash out a bipartisan agreement to reduce the deficit.今年8月,为达成两党派减赤协议而设立了该专门小组。

8.The conference may also attempt to thrash out a timetable for handing over security to local forces.这次会议也将尝试研究出一个把安全问题移交给地方部队的时间表。

9.You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his pttle finger, and I'll make him do it, too.你是个胆小鬼,是个狗崽子。我要向我大哥哥告你的状,他只要动动小指头就能把你捏碎,我会让他揍你的。

10.Let there be a great debate to thrash out the question of pne.来它一个大辩论,把路线问题搞清楚。