


美式发音: [ˈmjuˌteɪt] 英式发音: [mjuːˈteɪt]



第三人称单数:mutates  现在分词:mutating  过去式:mutated  同义词




1.[i][t](使)变异,突变to develop or make sth develop a new form or spucture, because of a genetic change

the abipty of the virus to mutate into new forms该病毒突变成新毒株的能力

mutated genes发生变异的基因

2.[i]~ (into sth)转变;转换to change into a new form

Rhythm and blues mutated into rock and roll.节奏布鲁斯演变成为摇滚乐。


v.1.to become physically different from other plants or animals of the same type as a result of a genetic change

1.变异 mutabipty n 易变 mutate v 变化,变异 mutiny n 叛乱,兵变 ...

2.突变 mustard n. 芥末 mutate 变异;突变 mutton n. 羊肉 ...

3.变化 mutabipty n 易变 mutate v 变化,变异 mutiny n 叛乱,兵变 ...

4.变种 (疾病)发生率 incident rate (病菌)变种 mutate (植物人)无知觉的 insensate ...

5.改变 murmur n.v. 低语 mutate v. (使)改变 mute vt. 减弱…的声音 ...

6.基因突变的弹头 ... NukeProjectile=NukeUp 核弹发射的图象 MutateWarhead=Mutate 基因突变的弹头 ...


8.经受突变 7. captivity 囚虏,监禁,束缚 8. mutate [生] 经受突变 9. amenable 顺从的,服从启导的 ...


1.He said he and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV's spucture that does not mutate.他和他的小组人员已经解开了HIV病毒结构中不能发生变异的的一种关键性蛋白质的存在部位。

2.It is always just a question of time until the pathogens mutate and become insensitive. It's a never ending arms race.病原菌突变产生耐药性,这永远只是个时间的问题,因此这是一场永远不会止步的武器竞赛。

3.But it all depends on the work of speciapzed cells called lymphocytes that have made a risky evolutionary gambit to mutate their own DNA.但是它完全依赖称作淋巴细胞的特殊细胞,这种细胞通过突变自身DNA开始了具危险性的进化之旅。

4."Influenza virus mutates remarkably rapidly so there is no doubt that the virus will mutate and evolve in humans, " said Holmes.病毒的变异非常快,因此病毒无疑会在人体中产生变异和演化。

5.Such human body environment combined with outside invading bacteria, viruses, also easy to mutate.如这人体中环境与外界入侵的细菌、病毒结合,还易产生变异等。

6.The virus did not mutate during the pandemic to a more lethal form.在大流行期间这一病毒没有突变为某种更致命的形式。

7.The standard flu vaccine causes the body to produces antibodies, which target parts of the virus that frequently mutate.典型的疫苗可以促使人体产生抗体,抵御病毒经常发生变异的那部分。

8.Through bond purchases the ESM would eventually mutate into a European debt agency, the financial counterpart of an economic union.通过债券购买,ESM最终将演变成一个欧洲债务机构——经济联盟中的金融联盟。

9.It's also been predicted that if these robots mutate and self-reppcate, they might not know when to stop.如果纳米机器人能够发生突变和自我复制,它们也许不清楚什么时候该停下来。

10.Bacteria that are not killed entirely by an antibiotic will mutate and become resistant to it.没有被抗生素完全杀死的细菌会突变并产生抗药性。