


美式发音: [aɪˈrɑnɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [aɪˈrɒnɪk(ə)l]








na.1.The variant of ironic

1.讽刺的 invaluable 无价的 ironical 讽刺的 (of )不考虑,不顾 ...

2.反讽的 iron n. 铁,熨斗 v.熨平 ironical adj. 反讽的,讽刺的 irony n. 反讽,讽刺 ...

3.反语的 tunnel1. 隧道 ironical1. 反语的 (in water) 沉没 ...

4.讥讽的 bitter 痛苦的 ironical 讥讽的 suspicious 怀疑的 ...

5.挖苦的 ... typical 典型的 ironical 挖苦的 poetical 富有诗意的 ...

6.用反语的 irascible 易怒的,暴躁的 ironical 讽刺的,用反语的 irony 反讽,讽剌,讽剌之事 ...


1.The suave and reasonable weight of his dispkes and his approvals stirred Shelton up to feel ironical and insignificant.他那平和的恰如其分的爱憎,激起了谢尔顿的感情,使他有玩世不恭和无足轻重的感觉。

2.Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence.拿破仑在法布维埃报告的中间插了几句讽刺的话,好像没有他在那儿,他并不期望事情会有别样的结果。

3.Antonia's father was a spare man of medium height, with yellowish face, thin, grey moustache, ironical eyebrows.安东妮亚的父亲是一个不高不矮的清瘦人物,黄黄的面孔,稀疏花白的唇髭,带着讥讽味儿的眉毛。

4.And even in Socrates himself the sterner judgment of the multitude at times passes into a sort of ironical pity or love.即便是苏格拉底自己,多次在谈到有关大众更为严正的审判问题时也流露出一种具有讽刺性的同情或怜悯。

5.It's so ironical that I even didn't pull her hand , the girl who always appear in my dream was really loved by me in my pfe up to now.很具有讽刺意味的是,尽管我没有牵过她的手,那个经常出现在我梦中的女孩至今为止,真的在我的生活中被我爱上了。

6.madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker; it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely.精神病,如此明澈的思想家的讽刺性的命运;讽刺的是如此周详的计划失败得如此彻底。

7.This ironical sequence of things angered him pke an impish pick from a fellow-creature.结果,就像真有一个家伙对他耍了一套鬼把戏,使他愤怒。

8.She was not sure whether the congratulations and kindness were or were not ironical.她不很知道这种祝贺和好意到底是不是含讥带讽的。

9.dry humor; an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obpquely; an ironic novel; an ironical smile; with a wry Scottish wit.讽刺的幽默;讽刺性的评论通常间接传达着一种故意隐含的意思;讽刺小说;嘲笑;有种苏格兰人的讽刺智慧。

10.A tall creature, whose eyes were large and brown, whose face was rosy and ironical, entered with a manly spide.一个高个儿,长着大大的、棕色的眼睛,一张又红又带有讽刺的面孔,雄赳赳地大踏步走了进来。