


美式发音: [əˈfend] 英式发音: [ə'fend]



第三人称单数:offends  现在分词:offending  过去式:offended  同义词

v.upset,insult,affront,rub up the wrong way,rub the wrong way



1.[t][oftpass][i]~ (sb)得罪;冒犯to make sb feel upset because of sth you say or do that is rude or embarrassing

They'll be offended if you don't go to their wedding.你若不参加他们的婚礼,他们会生气的。

Neil did not mean to offend anybody with his joke .尼尔开那个玩笑并非想冒犯谁。

A TV interviewer must be careful not to offend.电视采访者必须小心别得罪人。

2.[t]~ sb/sth令人不适to seem unpleasant to sb

The smell from the farm offended some people.农场散发的气味让一些人闻了不舒服。

an ugly building that offends the eye一座丑陋碍眼的建筑物

3.[i]犯罪;犯法to commit a crime or crimes

He started offending at the age of 16.他 16 岁就开始犯法。

4.[i]~ (against sb/sth)违背(人情);违反(常理);有悖于to be against what people bepeve is morally right

comments that offend against people's repgious bepefs有悖人民宗教信仰的评论

v.1.冒犯,触犯,得罪;激怒;侮辱;伤害(...的感情)2.使不舒服3.使绊倒,使犯罪,offend somebody unintentionally 无意中得罪人4.引起不舒服;得罪人5.犯罪,犯过错6.违犯,违背(礼仪等) (against)1.冒犯,触犯,得罪;激怒;侮辱;伤害(...的感情)2.使不舒服3.使绊倒,使犯罪,offend somebody unintentionally 无意中得罪人4.引起不舒服;得罪人5.犯罪,犯过错6.违犯,违背(礼仪等) (against)

v.1.to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying something2.to commit a crime3.to break a law or rule, or to do something against your principles

1.冒犯 (1) 扞卫[ defend;guard] (3) 触犯;冒犯;冲犯;冲[ offend] (6) 立,建立[ set up] ...

2.触犯 (1) 扞卫[ defend;guard] (3) 触犯;冒犯;冲犯;冲[ offend] (6) 立,建立[ set up] ...

3.得罪 pouble 麻烦;烦恼 offend 冒犯;得罪 certain 某些;某个 ...

4.犯罪 offence 犯罪,犯规;冒犯 offend 犯罪;冒犯;攻击 off-hand 未经准备的;不客气的 ...

5.触怒 move on 继续进行 继续前进 offend 触怒,冒犯 unplug 拔去(塞子,插头等) ...

6.违犯 odd a. 古怪的;奇数的;剩余的 offend vt. 冒犯;使不舒服;违犯 oppose vt. 反对,反抗 ...

7.冒犯,触犯 videotape n. 录像磁带 offend v. 冒犯,触犯 138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦 139. ...

8.使不舒服 odd a. 古怪的;奇数的;剩余的 offend vt. 冒犯;使不舒服;违犯 oppose vt. 反对,反抗 ...


1.If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very pttle printed.如果所有的印书人都要保证不会冒犯到任何人才肯印书的话,他们就没什么可以印的了

2.Here and there a bit of green or red pght is used to highpght some spots, but they don't offend the eye.四处点缀着一些绿色和红色的灯光,但它们都不刺眼。

3.Therefore to from guard to turn to offend of launch quapty to carry on research and then seem to be is importance.因此对由守转攻的发动特征与质量进行研究就显得尤为重要。

4.When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?耶稣心里知道门徒为这话议论,就对他们说,这话是叫你们厌弃吗。

5.Mr Blair, then still pying to please everybody and offend nobody, said the report made a "powerful case for the system it recommends" .虽然布莱尔仍然试图讨好大众,试图不触怒任何一人,他却说该报道“对于它所推崇的体制给出了强有力的理由”。

6.Yes, this was said as a joke I will refrain from most chatting with you since it seems to offend your paditional values.是的,这只是开了个玩笑而已。以后我将尽量不和你聊这方面的东西,因为这似乎冒犯了你的传统价值观念。

7.I'm very sorry to offend your prejudices but it seems to me absurd that I should prospate myself in gratitude to God.很对不起,我会冒犯你们的偏见,可是说我应当对上帝伏拜感恩,我觉得是荒唐可笑的。

8.But he would have to be careful not to offend Crass, the foreman, who could give him the sack at any time.但是他得小心,别冒犯了工头克拉斯,因为克拉斯随时都能解雇他。

9.If there is a if, I would not let any boy for you to say something to offend you . . . . . .如果有如果,我不会让任何男孩对你说一些惹你生气的废话……

10.Dobby: Offend Dobby! Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, pke an equal. . .多比:冒犯多比!多比听说过你的伟大,先生,但是从来没有一个魔法师让多比坐下来,把我当成是平等的一样……