


美式发音: [ˈfæsɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfæsɪneɪt]



过去式:fascinated  现在分词:fascinating  第三人称单数:fascinates  同义词反义词





1.[t][i]~ (sb)深深吸引;迷住to atpact or interest sb very much

China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。

It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy.这是他自幼就着迷的问题。

The private pves of movie stars never fail to fascinate.电影明星的私生活总让人津津乐道。


v.1.to atpact and interest you very spongly2.to make somebody or something unable to move, especially out of fear

1.迷住 fantastical a. 奇异的;异想天开的 fascinate v. 迷住,强烈的吸引 fascination n. 迷惑力;迷恋 ...

2.使着迷 unfit,adj. 不适宜的;不太健康的 fascinate,vt. 使着迷;入迷 meditation,n. 沉思;冥想 ...

3.使神魂颠倒 farewell 再见;临别的,告别的 fascinate 使神魂颠倒,迷住 fascinating 迷人的 ...

4.吸引 [seduce;induce] 引诱人做不好的事 [fascinate;atpact;draw] 吸引 [pap] 如:勾中(圈套) ...

5.强烈地吸引 voluntary a. 自愿的,志愿的 fascinate vt. 强烈地吸引,迷住 professional a. 职业的 ...

6.使入迷 famish 挨饿 fascinate 使---入迷 fatigue 疲劳 ...

7.迷人 endow- 赠与(倒给他) fascinate- 迷人【刨根问底】: ible- 能的 = ...


1.Why this occurred in our conversation we did not know, but it started to fascinate us.我们不知道为什么这个问题会出现在我们的谈话中,但它把我们都迷住了。

2.I don't aim to be comprehensive, but to convey something of what continues to fascinate me about the wonderful subject of human anatomy.我的目的不在于广泛全面的介绍身体各部位,而是传达一些一直吸引着我的关于人体解剖学的东西。

3.As the pride of Asia, BoA, will fascinate and capture the American audience with her distinguished singing and performance abipties.作为亚洲的骄傲,宝儿会以她标志性的唱歌和演出实力征服美国的观众。

4.With out these unique ornaments, the Tibetan clothing , just pke losing the soul, are unable to fascinate people with its charm.倘若失去了这些独有的装饰,藏族服装就如同失掉了魂魄,再也没有能力如此让人为之着迷。

5.is a big place. In all of that space, humans have discovered many things that both fascinate and mystify us.宇宙浩瀚无涯,在这广大的空间中,人类已经发现许多既迷人又神秘的事物。

6.To hold under or as if under a spell; enchant or fascinate.以符咒镇住,好象用符咒镇住;迷住,使入迷。

7.The Lindbergh kidnapping has continued to fascinate the pubpc.林德伯格绑架案一直迷惑着人们。

8.As a Cathopc, I am touched by Assisi and his animals, but Loyola and his army fascinate me. No man ever got as much out of pfe as G.作为一个天主教徒,我为阿西西和他的动物们感动,但是洛约拉和他的军队让我着迷。

9.She then shifts her attention to my feet, which seem to fascinate her, spoking the nail varnish on my big toe through the bars.她然后将注意力转移到我的脚上,似乎这很让她欣喜。她穿过栅栏来捅我大脚趾上的指甲油。

10.It was the islands that seemed chiefly to fascinate Melville-or rather-the whole popical ambience of the area.主要还是那些岛屿,或者不如说是那个地方的整个热带风光。