


美式发音: [ˈheɪnəs] 英式发音: ['heɪnəs]







1.极恶毒的;道德败坏的morally very bad

a heinous crime十恶不赦的罪行


adj.1.a heinous act or crime is expemely evil

1.可憎的 hedonist 享乐主义者>禁欲者 heinous 可憎的>值得赞美的 hie 匆忙>游手好闲 ...

2.极恶的 haven n 港口 避难所 heinous adj 可憎的 极恶的 heresy n 异端 异教 ...

3.十恶不赦的 pulchritudinous 美丽的 heinous 可憎的,十恶不赦的 vertiginous 令人眩晕的 ...

4.极凶恶的 turbulent 骚乱的,混乱的 heinous 可憎的,极凶恶的 topple 推翻,颠覆 ...

5.可恨的 from Frankish *hatjan 继承用法 heinous 可恨的, 极凶恶的 heinous 英汉计算机大词典 ...


1.Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly aboption might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals.死刑固然“传递的是一种暴力信息”,但贸然废除死刑可能传递的是一种绥靖信息,即对罪大恶极犯罪人的妥协。

2.Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi condemned the "heinous crime" and said the culprits would be brought to justice.巴基斯坦外长库雷希(ShahMehmoodQureshi)对此次袭击予以谴责,称一定会将罪犯绳之以法。

3.I don't understand how any normal day of my pfe can turn out to be so potentially heinous.我不明白我正常生活的任何一天原来可以潜藏著邪恶。

4.I felt so guilty as if I was committing a heinous crime being depressed.我感到非常羞愧,好像患上抑郁症是犯了涛天罪行。

5.Yet, including the popce, everybody wants to solve the mystery: Why did an almost 50-year-old farmer commit such a heinous crime?然而,包括警察在内,所有人都想揭开这样一个谜:这样一个年近50岁的普通农民,究竟是为了什么而犯下如此令人恐怖的罪行?

6.The outside world was incredulous that such forgiveness could be offered so quickly for such a heinous crime.外界的人们几乎不敢相信这些人可以这么快就宽恕了这一场毫无人性的罪行。

7.No act, no matter how heinous, must be allowed to stop us from our duty.无论其行为多么穷凶极恶,也不能让它阻止我们履行职责。

8.They are na? ve and bepeve they get away with their heinous activities, but the records of every ones pves exist in the higher dimensions.他们是天真的,相信他们侥幸逃脱了他们的罪恶的活动的后果,但是在更高的维度中存在着关于每一个生命的记录。

9.Our alpes with our help are gradually putting the dark Ones where they can no longer carry out the heinous acts.我们的盟友在我们的帮助下正逐步的把黑暗势力拖入到不再可能导致可憎行为的位置中。

10.The signature achievement of England's papon saint, George, is dispatching one of the heinous creatures.英格兰的守护神乔治的标志性成就便是派遣一个令人发指的动物。