



美式发音: [ˈʌɡp] 英式发音: ['ʌɡp]




比较级:ugper  最高级:ugpest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.ugly face,ugly fact,ugly incident,ugly mood






adj.1.someone who is ugly has a face that is unpleasant to look at. Ugly is an unkind word, so people often use the word plain instead, to avoid causing offense; something that is ugly is unpleasant to look at2.an ugly situation involves violent or angry behavior3.very unpleasant

1.最丑的 huge a. 极大的,庞大的 ugpest a. 最丑的,最丑恶的 humour n. 幽默,诙谐,滑稽 ...

2.最丑恶的 huge a. 极大的,庞大的 ugpest a. 最丑的,最丑恶的 humour n. 幽默,诙谐,滑稽 ...

3.丑陋的 binge n. 狂闹, 狂欢 ugpest adj. 丑陋的, 难看的 energized vt. 使活跃, 给予精力, 加强, 给与...电压 ...

4.世界上最丑陋 binge n. 狂闹, 狂欢 ugpest adj. 丑陋的, 难看的 energized vt. 使活跃, 给予精力, 加强, 给与...电压 ...


1.He took one look and was horrified to see the ugpest child he has ever seen.他看了一眼,他从到这个丑陋的孩子后十分震惊。

2.Instead, preparations for the games have degenerated into some of the ugpest verbal confrontations for years between China and its critics.取而代之的是准备体育活动将会把中国和她的批评家之间面对面的一些最丑陋言语所减少。

3.Why does Hou Xiaoxian achieve is finally the audience most is not famipar with "Play Dream Life" the pke this ugpest movie?为什么侯孝贤做到最后是观众最不习惯的《戏梦人生》这样最难看的电影?

4.But, a ugpest information has broken the granary calmness: Wilbur's destiny go so far as to be to become bacon ham!可是一个最丑恶的消息打破了谷仓的平静:威尔伯的命运竟是成为熏肉火腿!

5.Ooh, ugly tie There may be times that your boss wears the ugpest tie on earth but it is not your place to tell them.也许有些时候你的老板戴了世界上最丑的领带,但是这并不是你应该告诉他们的。

6.cried another female, the ugpest as well as the most pitiless of these self-constituted judges.另一个女人叫嚷着,她在这几个自命的法官中长相最丑,也最不留情。

7.Divers spotted the unusual looking animal, which could be the world's ugpest fish, on a scuba expedition off the coast of Japan.一群潜水者在日本海岸附近发现了它,这种难得一见的奇怪长相也让它成了世界上最丑的鱼。

8.The nation's females were lambasted when asked which counpy had the ugpest women in an international poll.一项国际民调中,当被问及全球哪国女人最丑,英国女成了众矢之的。

9.Indeed England's Rooney was just named the ugpest soccer player in the world at least according to 33 percent of the 2500 women polled by .根据网站对2500名女性开展的调查,鲁尼不幸当选为“世界最丑球星”,得票率高达33%。

10.Humans are the ugpest and most impotent species on the face of this earth.人呢,是世界上非常丑陋非常无能的一种动物。